Example sentences of "gave [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " I shall never forget " , he said , " the support and help he gave me during the critical months of the revolution in 1917 .
2 Returning to the advice that Leo Amery gave me as a young man , I remember reading widely from the great autobiographies and biographies that he recommended , including the works of Lord Milner .
3 So I better 'ave it out , Annie , that 's if I can pawn me lace tablecloth for one an' six , same as you gave me on the watch . ’
4 And he put me off of that the other ones you gave me with the , what was it ?
5 For five hours he did n't once open his mouth to offer advice or even give an opinion and , when he checked the takings at the end of the day , although we were two shillings and fivepence light from a usual Saturday , he still handed over the sixpenny piece he always gave me at the end of the week .
6 He cast around for somewhere to put them , and at once Mei Ling took them and gave them to a waiting servant .
7 We gave them to an Embassy official as we passed through that city , en route to military installations near Fallujiah .
8 He sent them to a famous anthropologist at the university , who gave them to the library .
9 He also purchased seven drawings attributed to Michelangelo from the Woodburn sale at Christie 's in 1887 and gave them to the British Museum ( five are still accepted as autograph ) .
10 They took these from Father Christmas and gave them to the nurses , who gave them to the hospital children .
11 They took these from Father Christmas and gave them to the nurses , who gave them to the hospital children .
12 Then , since the fisherman did not come home , every morning she took his supper to the cliff-side and fed it to the wild snakes ; every noon she took the hempen nets and gave them to the sea-birds to build their nests .
13 Not only madrigals but canzonette and balletti , under anglicized names , were modelled sometimes all too closely on Italian originals and printing at last gave them to the public .
14 I peeled off five hundreds and gave them to the officer .
15 ‘ If you 've got a pen I 'll read the directions as they gave them to the family . ’
16 What you gave them to the barmaid ?
17 I gave them to the barman , I went one pound , two , four , six , eight
18 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
19 Also on July 1 all restrictions on capital movements between most EC member countries were lifted , as envisaged in Directive 88/361 of June 1988 , although a derogation for four newer member countries ( Greece , Ireland , Portugal and Spain ) gave them until the end of 1992 to comply .
20 Yes it 's great , I mean in the first year lecture on Tuesday erm in the break I gave them in the middle of it the the corridor was like thick with tobacco smoke y'know you could hardly
21 ‘ They appreciated the peace it gave them from the ones who wound them up and it gave us peace .
22 This was a parting gift but I dropped mine and the bloody dogs were on it in a flash , whilst Benjamin , kind as ever , gave his to the page who served us .
23 He blew his nose and gave his behind a scratch as we picked our way through the lush undergrowth .
24 ‘ An' where 's the money I gave yer fer the pictures ? ’ he demanded .
25 Well , without getting too technical about it , I think you ought to have a comma after one because in the erm , y you know , the erm , blurb they gave you on the left hand side , that would apply what you 've learnt on the left hand side .
26 And we saw that in the calculation that I gave you at the end of last week 's lecture .
27 ‘ I saw the rose he gave you at the back of the drawer , wrapped in silver foil ! ’
28 The figure I gave you about the amount of money I 've spent gives you a notion about the size of the advance , which was very generous from both Gollancz and the Americans [ Putnam ] .
29 In addition to the note I gave you about the AO Development course , we 've been discussing the range of courses available , and we 've come up with the following ‘ wants list ’ .
30 That is what the greenbelt is actually there for , and if you have it there for that purpose , as I said yesterday , the necessary corollary is that you have additional provision beyond it , and I ca n't resist to offer Mr Wincup some support , I 'm sure one piece of evidence that he gave you about the letter from the Parish Council , he 's probably already replied to that Parish Council saying , as you 're in the York greenbelt have no fear , all the Selby needs will pass straight across your heads and land somewhere else .
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