Example sentences of "felt that a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any tenderness between the two of them would be a sham as far as he was concerned , merely serving to emphasise the absence of love , and perhaps like her he felt that a relationship characterised by so much other feeling ought to be loving as well , that the depth of desire he felt for her should have been merely a facet of love instead of the whole .
2 While there was general agreement as to the impossibility of imposing obligations on a third State by treaty , there were two major schools of thought with respect to rights ; some members felt that a treaty could not of its own force create rights for non-parties ( and thus would require acceptance by a non-party through a form of collateral agreement ) , while others ( including all four Special Rapporteurs ) rejected this view .
3 I felt that a Ben Johnson made angry by a Carl Lewis had made us all look second-rate .
4 Certainly Sir John , a shrewd and amiable man , was anxious to do so , but Michael Foot — one of Crossman 's literary executors and thus in the Crossman camp — felt that a compromise would have been a capitulation and contrary to their obligations to his memory .
5 Occasionally I felt that a policeman or a plain-clothes dick was looking rather too intently into my face .
6 He vowed there and then he 'd never return to a tournament like that ; he felt that a man of his stature should n't be playing in what was , after all , a second-rate event while the Masters was on .
7 David Clark thought there might be some need for review while Adrian Bird felt that a blanket prohibition should only be a starting point which should be used in conjunction with local knowledge .
8 ‘ My son Michael rode him at Newcastle where they were second to Venture Capitalist and felt that a visor would help the horse to concentrate more , ’ said the trainer .
9 The court accepted the seriousness of the offences , but felt that a fine of £5,000 would have been more appropriate .
10 DH Lawrence 's " The Rainbow " was destroyed in 1915 , and " The Well of Loneliness " suffered the same fate in 1928 at the hands of a magistrate who felt that a passage which implied that two women had been to bed ( " And that night they were not divided " ) would induce " thoughts of a most impure character " and " glorify a horrible tendency " .
11 Some felt that a recruitment campaign for volunteers was overdue .
12 I could n't be sure how , but felt that a truth had been revealed .
13 We were a one-parent family , and as I had to work full-time , I felt that a dog would only add to my problems .
14 By the third week , if a pupil from one school felt that a pupil from the other school was taking up too much space , or holding the microphone at the wrong angle , or not performing a task quickly enough , they would be told .
15 Maybe the ‘ flood of academics ’ felt that a career in real science was relevant experience .
16 With the death of the child , she felt that a cycle of her life had rolled to its conclusion , yet she was unsure of how to address the new beginning .
17 She said she occasionally felt that a job she could have been doing was being done by someone else leaving her less than fully occupied , but as her case load increased this feeling appeared to lessen .
18 In relation to size of authority , Bourdillon felt that a library authority serving a population of less than 30,000 population would find it difficult to achieve a reasonable standard of bookstock and service .
19 If the PRO felt that a number of different editors were interested in such a picture he might decide to take two or three different shots : one perhaps with a child drawing or learning to write , another in an office setting and another in the home with a woman writing a shopping list .
20 They felt that a number of questions about the random nature of intervention by artists should be posed before embarking on such a strategy .
21 Visitors felt that a number of factors contributed to the appeal of the exhibitions , and it became clear that , in addition to their general interest in the subject of the exhibitions and in their content , the most important of these were ( a ) the informative nature of the exhibitions , ( b ) the layout and presentation of the exhibits , ( c ) the presentation of original documents , and ( d ) the presence of photographs and artefacts .
22 I was sad to leave but felt that a turnover of paid staff was unavoidable with the present pay and conditions .
23 The members of the Board felt that a community approach was essential and hoped that our work with the community would complement the work being carried out by the above and other organisations in the area .
24 Taliesin murmured something that sounded like , ‘ All the riches of the world we shall lay at thy feet , ’ and Fribble , who felt that a note of practicality was called for , said , ‘ Be assured that we can pay your fee , ’ and Calatin looked pleased .
25 After some years of struggling anxiously with the knotty complexities of Catholic devotion before the reforms of the Second Vatican Council , I found The Cloud of Unknowing 's stark insistence on the one thing necessary deeply liberating and felt that a weight had fallen from my shoulders .
26 Thus Hourcade felt that an artist could convey more clearly the real nature of an object by showing as many aspects of it as possible , and guided by intelligence rather than by his eye , would resort to geometric forms .
27 They were acutely conscious of how unbelievable it was and felt that an Ulster MP would be more likely to credit it than one in Scotland .
28 Swainson felt that an illustrator ranked below a real man of science , and he therefore also sought a reputation as a theorist .
29 At least one panel member thought that an exemplar set of papers should be produced by SCOTVEC to show what was required , but others felt that an exemplar might be seen by colleges as a check list , and that close adherence to it could stifle initiative and innovation .
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