Example sentences of "after they [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Wash chopping boards , knives , other equipment and your hands after they 've been used in the preparation of raw food .
2 The explosion of smaller ‘ funky ’ labels sees a wealth of records in the clubs and record shops days after they 've been cut , not months .
3 ‘ It 's probably sour grapes after they 've been beaten 4-2 by nine men .
4 Where after they 've been born , they might have had delayed breathing , not breathed immediately , so that type of baby might be at risk .
5 It need n't be so : first thoughts are often best , cheeringly rehabilitated by third thoughts after they 've been loured at by seconds .
6 After they 've been killed ?
7 Perhaps it 's erm some kind of mistake in the way erm cells divide after they 've been fertilized , I do n't know , but this is not true of fraternal twinning .
8 Erm so quite apart from fro from that , this approach to the whole question concentrating on parental investment and female choice would not only make us sensitive to female choice in the sense of either submitting to a male or not but secondly it would make us er wonder what happened even after a female had mated and we could predict could n't we that females ought to be discriminating abou about the subsequent fate of any fertilized erm zygote and indeed there 's plenty of evidence to show that human females highly discriminated and far from passive even after they 've been fertilized .
9 ‘ He and Elise are travelling around India and after they 've been everywhere there they plan to go on to Thailand and … ’
10 about people to think to them after they 've been because it 's so stressful .
11 But you see they 're spending a lot of the time you know , on developing ways of repairing roads after they 've been in them .
12 Then that 'll go through to Turners so I mean it could be like a fortnight after they 've been okayed .
13 Oh if you do n't think they look well then they obviously need it if they look better after they 've been watered , that 's what the paper says .
14 on a Saturday night after they 've been turned out , these young ones
15 ‘ It 's A Game ’ , ‘ Money Honey ’ , ‘ Shang A Lang ’ and , um , a lot of padding from the Rollers ' post ‘ 77 career after they 'd been shot down in flames , plucked , shucked , gutted , roasted , eaten , shat out and buggered in the back of the neck and then locked in the attic with Mad Auntie Maude from Nottingham for two weeks by the ultimate manufactured band , the Sex Pistols .
16 For me that was vindication for the disagreements I 'd had with Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson , both of whom saw the music and titles after they 'd been done and said they did n't like them .
17 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
18 After they 'd been killed , yes .
19 Yeah , when I started in nineteen thirty one and in those days you got a rise every six months and I got a one and three rise after they 'd been there six months and at the year I was earning seventeen and six .
20 and again ( after they 'd been told they were on camera !
21 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
22 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
23 The swans had been found on the canal by neighbours the morning after they 'd been killed .
24 And er well the carriage cleaning well A carriage cleaning inspector you just , looked after the carriage cleaners and seen that the coaches were right you know and walk along the and examine the coaches after they 'd been cleaned you see .
25 He questioned the evidence given by Professor Austin Gresham , a Home Office pathologist and Professor of Morbid Anatomy at Cambridge University , who conducted a second post-mortem examination on Miss Ward 's remains after they had been flown to Britain by her father , John Ward .
26 In recent years the British Government has attempted to extradite terrorist suspects from Belgium and The Netherlands after they had been discovered by British intelligence .
27 During the war and the revolution many old criminal families , living on the outskirts of the town or in bandit villages , left their influence behind even after they had been broken up .
28 At the heart of Sir Ian 's complaint was Mr Samuel 's alleged deliberate concealment of his activities after they had been partially unearthed .
29 Under an agreement with the mostly Pakistani residents , the trust bought for £1 each the dilapidated Grade II-listed homes , dating from 1848–51 , after they had been threatened with demolition .
30 Under an agreement with the mostly Pakistani residents , the trust bought for £1 each the dilapidated Grade II-listed homes , dating from 1848–51 , after they had been threatened with demolition .
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