Example sentences of "england and [noun prp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most Scandinavia rugs , for example , adapted their own folk art traditions ; England and Poland incorporated heraldic elements , often reproduced from coats-of-arms , into much more Persian-inspired .
2 It is evident from surviving correspondence and from reports of diplomatic missions that contemporaries expected relationships between the courts of England and France to reflect the accepted tenets of courtly politesse and courtesy .
3 The courts of England and France shared common cultural influences and strove to imitate and emulate each other .
4 The cities I had seen in England and France left me unmoved ; their crowds had no interest for me : they lacked the colour and variety for which I craved .
5 Of the galleries taking part 180 are German , while many star galleries in the States , England and France declined to attend .
6 In 1341 England and France found both a cause and a theatre of war in which they might meddle further .
7 The close ties of kinship between the ruling houses of England and France overrode symptoms of incipient national sentiment at this time .
8 Such taxes begin with the levies imposed by lay rulers to raise money for the crusades ( as the kings of England and France did for the Second and Third Crusades ) .
9 What was worse , England and France supported opposing sides on this issue , so that the Schism , one of the most important factors dividing western Christianity in the years 1378–1417 , also accentuated the existing political divisions between the two countries .
10 Yet it is ironical that the most startling changes in industrial chemistry came in dyestuffs , because the fundamental discoveries in this field had been made as far back as 1857 by an Englishman , and England and France dominated aniline dye production until 1870 .
11 As war developed and the need for multiple commands increased , it was to such men that the monarchies of both England and France turned .
12 It is proposed to survey a total of 400 roof systems , each with a minimum gross area of 500 sq.m , with Napier Polytechnic covering Scotland and northern England and BFRC surveying the Midlands and the South .
13 With Australia , Argentina , England and Japan having publicly asserted support for South Africa , the Wales case , put by Denzil Lloyd and Glanmor Griffiths , was not finally scuppered until New Zealand , irresepective of their own bid , decided that they , too , would opt for South Africa in 1995 .
14 The English were blamed , and yet Darien was one of a number of events that convinced the Lowland Scots that they should try to reach better terms with England before attempting to become independent ; in 1707 England and Scotland became united with a single government and a single Parliament , and one of the terms of the Union was that the Darien investors should be reimbursed for their losses .
15 In response to Labour questioning , Mr MacGregor said : ‘ Without any question I am keen to ensure that both from the passenger and freight point of view the north of England and Scotland gain as much benefit as possible from the Channel Tunnel and the Channel Tunnel high-speed link . ’
16 The Union of the Crowns did not mean that England and Scotland had ceased to be separate countries .
17 Because we know that , as Mr Cormack puts it , ‘ not all leavers ’ who go to England and Scotland to take their degrees ‘ are willing leavers ’ .
18 Miners from North Staffordshire wearing pit helmets , women from the Nottingham and Doncaster coalfields , workers from Yarrow and trade unionists from England and Scotland carried banners which were a roll call of industrial struggles past and present .
19 Laurence Kennedy has gently teased the government , wondering why Mr Major 's brave defence of the principle of Union between England and Scotland does n't apply to Northern Ireland as well .
20 The north of England and Scotland have traditionally been the areas of greatest activity in collected credit .
21 ‘ Normally by now , England and Scotland have almost qualified .
22 The more accessible countryside throughout southern and eastern England and Scotland has relatively lower rates of unemployment .
23 Apart from keeping army commanders in both England and Scotland informed about domestic and foreign affairs , he wrote regularly to individual correspondents , for example Ferdinando , second Baron Fairfax of Cameron [ q.v. ] , during the civil war , and from September 1658 to Henry Cromwell [ q.v. ] , lord lieutenant of Ireland .
24 In the century since 1066 England and Normandy had become two parts of a single political society , linked rather than separated by the Channel , the main road of the Anglo-Norman realm Men and women crossed easily from one side to the other ; many wealthy families held lands in both England and Normandy ; and even though sharp-red language snobs were soon able to mock French " spoken after the manner of Marlborough " , people at the upper levels of society in fact spoke the same language , Norman French , on both sides .
25 Perhaps the famine — like the plagues of Egypt of old — was sent by God as a warning to England and Ireland to turn from this course while time still offered .
26 In their first ever joint statement , the heads of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Ireland condemned the IRA 's actions as barbaric and inhuman , while in Dublin the Irish Senate heard an impassioned plea for the IRA to lay down its arms from the father of an Enniskillen bombing victim , Gordon Wilson .
27 The fact that Mary and her late husband had after their coronation in Rheims formally assumed the titles of King and Queen of England and Ireland had not provoked any great trust in Elizabeth 's always suspicious mind .
28 Suppose that the lawmakers in England and Victoria have determined the concept of ‘ honesty ’ not only differently but in such a manner that on identical facts an individual would be dishonest' and therefore liable to conviction for theft in Victoria but ‘ honest ’ and therefore fall to be acquitted in England .
29 Edward I rightly asked Alexander to do fealty for lands he held in England and Alexander agreed but then the English asked Alexander to do homage for Scotland .
30 England and Spain had had playhouses open to a paying public since the 1570s , France from the beginning of the seventeenth century , but the first such public theatre in Italy was opened only in 1637 .
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