Example sentences of "sure that if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
2 British standards for veal production will not , however , be reduced and consumers can be sure that if they buy British veal it will have been humanely produced .
3 I 'm sure that if they saw you cry , I swear to God if they saw you crying things would be slightly different .
4 What is consoling is that one may be perfectly sure that if one perishes in the barbed wire , they will not be too much affected by the loss .
5 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
6 I am sure that if we could have met , all estrangement would have vanished instantly ; but , having to rely on the written word ( and that in the cramped space of air-letters which took so long to come and go ) , and missing expression of face and tone of voice , to which we were both very sensitive , we kept up our guard for a time .
7 I am pretty sure that if we started things here , we could get an extraordinary audit and sort out this Lady Porter job .
8 He was sure that if we checked enough pubs we were bound to find her .
9 I think colleagues on this side will seek to press the minister even further on the latest developments in France and indeed what influence we can have to make sure that if we pass these orders today , they do become the basis of the European elections .
10 So , the situation in that is quite serious and it behoves us to take it seriously , it behoves us to make sure that if we are putting resources of that magnitude or of any magnitude perhaps , then we have to make sure that they are managed properly for the effective delivery of the services which we intend er that them to be used for .
11 In our copy of Roget it is listed as follows You can be quite sure that if you examine all these numbered sections you will find every word in the English language that is remotely or closely equivalent to " jargon " .
12 Make sure that if you have children in the home that matches and lighters are placed well out of , place them out of reach .
13 People are actually inclined to run when they feel threatened or frightened , and you have to be sure that if you leave it is not on the basis of that weakness . ’
14 Secure the drive with at least four screws and make sure that if you mount it horizontally the printed circuit board is at the bottom .
15 He was going on and on , and erm , I said , well , I 'm sure that if you go and pick it up , it will be working .
16 I 'm sure that if I 'd had this excellent book when learning to windsurf my progress would have been much faster .
17 Mary says now : ‘ Accessing my past lives has been of great benefit and I 'm sure that if I 'd gone to an ordinary therapist , nothing would have been sorted out . ’
18 I 'm sure that if I was still living in England we would n't have got the push that we had on the last album and we would n't have got nominated for a Grammy .
19 I am sure that if I had been his secretary for a fortnight I should have wanted to poison him , not marry him … yes , I should have run round to the chemist 's for threepennyworth of poison after a very short time .
20 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
21 This seems strange to me now because I feel sure that if I had been presented with the image of the glass coffin when I was well into the depressive phase of anorexia , I should have recognised it instantly .
22 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
23 He added : ‘ I am sure that if I had my time again there would be many things I would do differently ’ , but went on : ‘ Criticism is part of the price of leadership . ’
24 Well I wan na make sure that if anything happens to me erm before the end of the policy that my daughter gets the money because
25 In terms of price , Hamer challenge Gibson 's own reissues amongst other quality guitars , and I 'm sure that if someone were to go shopping for an instrument with a classic tone , but prepared to keep an open mind and buy with their ears , then they may well end up going home with a Hamer .
26 But I am sure that if someone found they liked doing chemistry at school they 're likely to find that they like continuing to do it at university , and vice versa .
27 I am sure that if he had been with one of the stronger or more glamorous clubs at the time , his name would now be held in respect by a far wider clientele than those relatively few of us who were privileged to see him play his heart out for Crystal Palace .
28 But it was n't trash : I 'm sure that if he 'd had long enough , he 'd have said exactly what I wrote ! ’
29 Could n't be sure that if he walked back in now she would n't still feel that leap of the heart , that curl of excitement .
30 I 'm sure that if he had said something he never have betrayed the pain he had been guarding for a long time .
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