Example sentences of "real [noun] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You are my enemy , but the only difference from a real fight is that I 'll miss you each time .
2 The only real worry is that , to finance a strategy driven by buying other firms , Hanson keeps a large cash balance — £7 billion at the last count .
3 ‘ My real worry is that it will be overburdened with all the problems there are in the community ’ .
4 The real change is that many are doing it alone .
5 The real story is that the logo was originally designed , was drawn , but Lou Silverstein .
6 But their real hope is that one day they 'll be able to take them home .
7 The real irony is that if Israel continues to systematically close all community service institutions , while the government sector has all but collapsed , then the people will be left with no option but to organise things for themselves … in the end only the popular committees will be left .
8 The real irony is that if , as so many commentators suggest , the British are becoming increasingly disillusioned with and disinterested in the royal family , all these much-hyped books would stop selling .
9 In many cases , this delayed start will not be noticeable , especially if there is no important action right at the beginning ; the only real effect is that the shot is about one second shorter than you intended , and you will soon learn to allow for this by adding a second or so to the time before you press the button to end the shot .
10 As we approach Christmas the real tragedy is that the vast majority of our friends — good , sincere people , most of them — will not get within a mile of the real meaning of Christmas .
11 The real tragedy is that there is an alternative which , unlike the poll tax or any property tax , has been tried and tested in many countries in Europe and in America .
12 The real crime is that burglars and muggers usually get a light sentence , while their victims receive only time to repair their shattered lives .
13 His real crime is that he is suspected by the Radical Party and militant members of the ruling Socialists ( ex-communists ) of plotting with the army , of which he was the nominal head , to stage a coup .
14 See , the real peace is not the stilling of the storm the real peace is that the assurance of who is going to stop it .
15 This is a far more realistic maximum for cases involving forced oral sex and other indignities , but the real question is whether such serious forms of sexual assault should be classified differently .
16 The real question is whether , under the circumstances , it would be wrong to continue intervention .
17 The real question is whether any bits of the former Soviet Union 's industry are worth having ?
18 The real question is whether the changes — which affect the psychiatric provision of half the districts in the region — should be properly planned ; or whether the RHA is prepared , as an impassive bystander , merely to observe them .
19 ‘ the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit … that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
20 ‘ Again , the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit since this judgment was delivered , that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
21 The real question is whether the employee has any power over customers .
22 He said he hopes to play well for Huddersfield etc , but his real dream is that Leeds sign him up again one day in the future .
23 The real issue is that the power of the female to gestate is brought back into symbolic conjunction with the generation of the divine presence , a conjunction excluded by patriarchal religion for four millennia .
24 The how we come to Jesus , the why 's we come to him are not the important thing , the real issue is that we come to him .
25 The real issue is whether or not our results have some general message .
26 Passing sentence , the judge told Lashley : ‘ You are an appalling and dangerous man , and the real issue is whether the authorities can allow you your liberty in your lifetime ’ .
27 The real test is whether they have been used in all the cases where there has been flagrant abuse , and I have reason to believe that the traffic commissioners are doing their job competently in that connection .
28 Like any other scientific theory , it may initially be put forward for aesthetic or metaphysical reasons , but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observation .
29 The real joke is that , by the time they made the decision , the alternative comedians were appearing in commercials and sitcoms of a kind indistinguishable from those they had once criticised .
30 The only real difference is that it now seems to have been taken over by the 22 clubs who , having escaped Football League control , no longer find their pursuit of commercial success frustrated by the decisive voting power of their poor relations .
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