Example sentences of "clear [that] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 FROM the birth of radio astronomy in 1932 , when Jansky discovered cosmic radio waves and established that they come from the Galactic Centre , it has been clear that something very remarkable is taking place at the core of the Milky Way .
2 The truth was that as the days went by and the heavy rain showed no sign of slackening for very long it became clear that something very frightening had begun to happen .
3 When Mike finally did collapse after two dreadful weeks , it was clear that we either had to give up , or drastically change our approach .
4 Not only are the technical and organizational problems huge but it is not clear that we even have the intellectual concepts needed to talk about the issues we face .
5 However , it is clear that we still need to distinguish between different advantages which can be distributed unequally .
6 But they do make sociolinguistic assumptions : in context it is clear that they also assume the early development of a socially elite variety , and we can see from the first sentence of the quotation that ‘ carefulness ’ is probably also involved .
7 These grievances and demands remained and although they did not drive the students out onto the streets of the capital this time to demonstrate , it was clear that they certainly could at some time in the near future .
8 However , the Conservative Party in opposition made it clear that they too would maintain a strong central guidance over the economy , when returned to power .
9 Department of Justice officials made it clear that they still see the pursuit of Gen Noriega as a criminal case .
10 The University of Utah team made it clear that they still had a long way to go and would like another year to eighteen months to continue their research before announcing it .
11 However , on further examination it is clear that they often disagree as to what constitutes pornography , while overlapping on representations of sexual violence , they radically disagree on those of non-violent , non-marital sexual practices .
12 The concept is not a difficult one , for the last two sections have made it clear that what really mattered in setting up a trust was not the use of specific words , but the use of words or deeds which plainly expressed an intention to bind a trustee under a trust in favour of a beneficiary .
13 Salvidge was right to claim that Leith had overstepped the mark and that he had no mandate for his action , but it is clear that he rather than Salvidge really represented the views of the National Union .
14 Nevertheless , he has asked me to make it clear that he strongly supports the case that I seek to make .
15 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
16 Although Anselm made it clear that he personally was bound to observe the papal decrees of 1099 until released by proper authority , he remained neutral in all the negotiations between the king and pope .
17 Claudia felt thoroughly let down ; she 'd been so sure he would , at last , be convinced of the truth , and she had n't realised how much she wanted him to think well of her until he had made it all too clear that he still did n't trust her .
18 He had been the injured party when his marriage broke up and , in spite of everything , it was all too clear that he still retained strong feelings for the woman he had married .
19 The picture of her in his head was so clear that he actually smiled .
20 Joseph Chamberlain , not Sidney Webb , was the man of her dreams ; but though she has been credited with overcoming romantic desire for the sake of her own independence , it is clear that she desperately wanted him to propose , with her eyes set on his becoming prime minister .
21 It is not clear that she currently has any diplomatic status , though there is some evidence that the United Nations may still for some purposes recognise her ambassadorship .
22 It was clear that she still did n't consider Jessamy was capable of holding Julius 's interest for very long .
23 Mr Smith retorted : ‘ It is abundantly clear that you either do n't know how many billions of pounds were lost or you are unwilling to tell us . ’
24 Indeed this is so clear that I sometimes wonder why so much effort usually goes into attempting to prove it .
25 The opinion makes clear that it also applies to ‘ defined-contribution ’ schemes , in which an employee makes payments into the scheme and gets a pension reflecting the returns on his or her cash .
26 But let me make it very clear that it probably was not the best place , a Pathfinder station , for anyone to get near to absorbing the incredible state of affairs .
27 Making it clear that it really does recognise that the only way to revitalise its languishing business units is to hire outsiders for some of the key positions , IBM Corp late Friday announced that as well as making its AdStar Inc storage unit a wholly-owned subsidiary , it had hired industry veteran Ed Zschau , System Industries Inc founder and one-term Republican representative , to be its chairman and chief executive — and an IBM vice-president , relegating the unit 's former general manager Ray AbuZayyad to the post of president and chief operating officer .
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