Example sentences of "clear [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
2 It has been clear for some time that the demands of the arms control process would increasingly dominate military planning .
3 The warnings had been clear for some time .
4 It has been clear for some time that there are a number of significant practical problems with the interpretation of SSAP 6 , Extraordinary Items and Prior Year Adjustments , particularly in respect of the variety of treatments of apparently similar events as sometimes ordinary and sometimes extraordinary items in the p&l account .
5 The implications of the Black and Tans ' behaviour and of the complicity of the Government in their reign of terror had been clear for some time , but Tubby 's experience had brought it all into sharp focus .
6 It has been clear for some time that the Al Fayeds are not who they said they were in 1985 .
7 The Courtaulds company scored 962 out of a possible 1,177 points — almost 200 points clear of some rivals .
8 This is clear from some words of Salmon L.J .
9 … it is clear without some dialogue between man and the physical environment within a spatial context geography will cease to exist , as a discipline .
10 Others are less clear without some explanation : an attacker was known as ‘ the Bizarre Beast ’ because of the strange clothing he wore , which included a gas mask and a dress ( Star ) ; however , no explanation was needed why a sex fiend who struck near a university for the second time in four days was known as ‘ The Balaclava Rapist ’ ( Sun ) .
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