Example sentences of "only one in the " in BNC.

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1 An autocrat falls in the first two books ; but the only one in the third is the author-autocrat of the hotel room who sallies into the bush , as if on impulse , to visit the mysterious , moveable ‘ front ’ .
2 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
3 From being just another kid with nits in his head , the smallest in his class and the only one in the whole school whose skin was a swarthy brown , he suddenly found himself the most popular boy around .
4 You 're the only one in the world I need , I 'd be good for you .
5 It 's the only one in the country . ’
6 Jenny 's daddy kept a garage , the only one in the dale for fifteen miles , which was the distance to the nearest town , Botley .
7 Sometimes I 'd wake up and find I was the only one in the middle of the big bed .
8 So it was logical that the builder 's wife would be the only one in the road without a decent kitchen to work in .
9 Ben seems to forget that he is not the only one in the world to be making progress , that it is not just the routes he puts up which are the difficult ones , and that he is n't the best climber there is .
10 By 1903 Stratford Cooperative Society ( SCS ) had a membership of 12,914 : the Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society ( 21,788 ) apart , it was the only one in the metropolitan area that could rival the strength of traditional strongholds of cooperation in the north .
11 The distinguishing feature in my case , as in those of Bruch 's patients , was that I , the eldest , was the only one in the family to be put under such pressure .
12 He was a good listener ; he was about the only one in the house that was these days .
13 But he was n't the only one in the dock after a punchless show that , in Kendall 's words , ‘ lacked penetration . ’
14 At Rockbeare , the English Lace School ( the only one in the country ) invites you to watch and even participate in the lacemaking .
15 ‘ You ca n't miss it , ’ Hari said reassuringly , ‘ it 's the only one in the street with railings around it . ’
16 So I am now the only one in the entire family without a job in the real sense .
17 Mr E described Dave , now in his second term at this school , as exasperatingly ‘ lazy ’ , always talking to others , the only one in the class who will make a mess of things , who can not even copy from the board , but who can sometimes surprise by good work .
18 Mr E , however , countered each example with either ‘ it wo n't work with Dave ’ or ‘ I 've tried all this ’ , and switched off at any good idea offered , unable to listen , making himself , like Dave , the only one in the group so different and obstructive .
19 Clients often feel that they are ‘ the only one in the world ’ with this particular complaint .
20 The first such fair in Europe and the only one in the world to show only drawings , this year 's event drew serious collectors from across the world and a solid Parisian clientele .
21 The unfairness of this strikes me , since although we are all from families that vote Labour ( no working-class Catholic would vote Unionist ) Jimmy had been the only one in the class who 'd known that Hugh Gaitskell was the leader of the Opposition in the general knowledge quiz .
22 He was the only one in the mess who complained about Roddy 's preference for outside lodgings rather than barracks quarters .
23 The only one in the world .
24 The door to his own apartment was the only one in the hall on this level , a few yards down and on the left .
25 ‘ She 's the only one in the world who ever cared about me , ’ she said , but when Julia protested , Minnie sneered , ‘ It 's all right .
26 Blanche , on the other hand , loved her café with its ramshackle tables , grubby menus and her face being the only one in the restaurant that was not Asian .
27 The watering hole must also have been the only one in the area for all sides produced finds , and finds of a reasonable age .
28 So I says No , when we had the phone first we were the only one in the telephone directory .
29 A small tern-like gull , the only one in the region with a markedly forked tail ; forewings strikingly black , with trailing edge contrastingly white .
30 The lavatory at the far end of the yard , Victorine told the puzzled children : was the only one in the house when it was first built .
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