Example sentences of "only [pron] who can " in BNC.

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1 Jeremy is coming with me but he is too young to do this alone , and in any case I 'm the only one who can deploy O'Brien . ’
2 ‘ I am the only one who can help you , Ari . ’
3 The idea of what has been called data privacy , the claim of the individual to control information about himself , is not confined to so-called sensitive data or information of a particularly recherché kind — it can apply to any piece of data about an identifiable individual , who is the only one who can say whether or not , in the particular context , he or she regards the data as sensitive .
4 It 's just that I 'm the only one who can see him .
5 You 're the only one who can help me , you always were .
6 I 'm the only one who can stop this .
7 ‘ The only one who can kill my career at this point is me , ’ she says .
8 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
9 " It 's me that 's the only one who can make you happy , Trist .
10 but you 're the only one who can make it work by practising it and by trying it .
11 ‘ Cameron , for God 's sake , I 'm the only one who can help you .
12 And to answer Kim 's other question , he is , in my estimation , the only one who can do it for me . ’
13 ‘ Because you 're the only one who can do it , Howard .
14 And he is the only one who can see this !
15 ‘ And since the only one who can cage a Mortal soul and carry it to the Prison of Hostages is the Lad of the Skins , we must call him up . ’
16 Its teachers are not like travelling philosophers : they are co-operating labourers in God 's vineyard , and one plants while another waters , but God is the only one who can make anything grow ( 3:6 ) .
17 ‘ There , ’ she shouted , pluming liquid flame from one claw , ‘ you 're not the only one who can make changes ! ’
18 ‘ You 're the only one who can put things right for me . ’
19 You are the only one who can help Elizabeth , and we all need you .
20 ‘ You 're probably the only one who can .
21 ‘ I also know I 'm the only one who can make those fires burn . ’
22 ‘ She says you 're the only one who can tell anyway .
23 ‘ My lord fitzAlan is not the only one who can be useful . ’
24 ‘ Listen , Rex , you 're the only one who can put it right .
25 You are n't the only one who can make plans , you know . ’
26 ‘ But I 'm the only one who can light those fires , Aurora — and I 'm the only one who can quench them . ’
27 ‘ But I 'm the only one who can light those fires , Aurora — and I 'm the only one who can quench them . ’
28 SIR Alec Guinness is probably the world 's best known actor , yet he claims to be the only one who can walk down a street unrecognised .
29 Simon confronts the ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ on the pigs head and he battles with evil , he is now the only one who can save the boys from their evil doings .
30 And he 's the only one who can forgive that sin .
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