Example sentences of "only [noun] was the " in BNC.

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1 This week , however , the only progress was the addition of an adjective : the chief Syrian negotiator , Mouaffak Allaf , said Syria was willing to trade ‘ full ’ peace for full Israeli withdrawal .
2 The only disappointment was the fuel charges . ’
3 The gas was unlit and the only light was the feeble glow of the coals .
4 The only light was the crack of light down the side of the door .
5 The only reply was the steady hissing of the water .
6 In 1648 he wrote to the Westminster Assembly , criticizing the Presbyterian system it had devised , but the only result was the suspension of his augmentation at Winchester .
7 That is likely to be British-style first-past-the-post rules for both houses of parliament — the system that 82% of voters backed in the referendum , though their only alternative was the existing system .
8 The only alternative was the Salvation Army .
9 His only luxury was the purchase of books , which filled his canonical lodgings almost to the point of impenetrability — even the bath contained the files of the Church Quarterly Review — but his library was unsystematic and lacked bibliographical distinction .
10 The only illumination was the oblong of light that spilled from the open doorway of the TARDIS .
11 Her only reference was the behaviour of Huntingdon and his set in Acton Bell 's novel — the gambling , the womanizing , the drink , and the meanness of temper such vices induced .
12 The judges ' first meeting was not held until nearly a fortnight after their appointment , and even then the only business was the election of a chairman .
13 The only difference was the ambience of a twentieth-century Arabian hospital .
14 The only difference was the colour .
15 Once tragedy was dead , its only heir was the " New Comedy " ( of the late fourth and third centuries ) and it is , again , Euripides to whom the innovations represented by this degenerate form must be traced back .
16 In the gilts market the only seller was the Bank of England , which officially off-loaded £1.6 billion of paper .
17 The only sound was the sea against the rocks and the hollow call of hungry birds circling in the sky .
18 The early summer sun streamed through the yellow Provençal-print curtains of the kitchen and illuminated a room in which the only sound was the faint crunch of toast in their mouths .
19 The only sound was the crunch of their feet on the crusted snow .
20 The only sound was the bird song and the breeze rustling the honeysuckle laden hedgerows .
21 The only sound was the rhythmical hiss of fluid escaping an opened artery .
22 Yet in this ubiquitous restlessness there was nothing alarming , for the whole forest took part in it and the only sound was the soft , steady movement of the leaves .
23 Here the only sound was the faint hum of the air-filters overhead .
24 And the only sound was the wind breathing on their branches .
25 The only sound was the soft tick of the tall clock in the corner , the cooing of pigeons and doves outside .
26 High above a trio of hawks faltered on the rising air and the only sound was the scraping of insects .
27 The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel .
28 Nothing moved outside , and the only sound was the steady metallic drumming on the roof of the car .
29 There was a long time — several lifetimes — when the only sound was the clatter of the rain against the window , then Vitor walked to the cot .
30 Under the old law the public 's only champion was the Attorney-General who , as we have noted , always has standing to represent the public interest .
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