Example sentences of "only [noun] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Legal abortion is available here in a grudging way ; and if a woman is refused one for any reason , her only resort is a private operation if she 's determined to control her own body — or to go ahead and have the baby .
2 The only damage was a sprained leg .
3 Stephen paid little attention — he had already dismissed the plans and his only response was a shrug .
4 You 've only , I think the only contract is the British Gas one .
5 Book-writers , Faussone says , produce works ‘ which may be beautiful and all that , but , on the other hand , even if they were a bit defective , excuse the expression , nobody would die , and the only loser is the customer who bought them ’ .
6 The only blooms were a few early meadow-sweet and a patch of pink butterbur .
7 The only text was an introductory essay by Beat novelist Jack Kerouac , who wrote : ‘ The crazy feeling in America when the sun is hot on the streets and music comes out of a jukebox or a nearby funeral , that 's what Robert Frank has captured . ’
8 I suppose the only excuse is the enormity of the tragedy that mankind faces .
9 In the twenty miles from Durness to Laxford Bridge on the A.838 , the only branch is the minor artery to Kinlochbervie and the only roadside building is the hotel at Rhiconich .
10 My only protection was a battered trilby and an old raincoat that soon admitted defeat .
11 And further west in the village of Swalcliffe , you can even pick out the same grave-stones from the original shot , while over the road opposite the church , the only change is the conversion of the cottage on the right into a pub .
12 Heriot 's only change is the recall at tight-head prop of Stewart Paul for Jock Bryce .
13 This week , however , the only progress was the addition of an adjective : the chief Syrian negotiator , Mouaffak Allaf , said Syria was willing to trade ‘ full ’ peace for full Israeli withdrawal .
14 This unorthodox theory is based on inhomogeneous ‘ cold ’ accretion , the only differentiation being the separation of any lunar core that might exist because of the increase in temperature expected towards the centre of any planet ( section 2.1.16 ) .
15 Under the Arctic night sky we are going gentle uphill without effort , hauled by dogs whose only noise is a gently effort-driven panting .
16 We sat for a while by the cairn in the hot sun looking out before us , the only noise being the sound of the beck behind us falling over boulders and down towards Brackens Gill and the Dee .
17 Their only hope was a university scholarship or exhibition and , though a small number of refugees did find their way into university by this route , it was more common for those who wanted to continue their studies to attend evening classes or sign on for correspondence courses .
18 They hauled up their Norwegian colours , forbidden by the Germans whose only presence was an armed trawler , pulling away from a jetty and prepared to fight .
19 The only disadvantage is the high centre of gravity , making the tool wobble in some situations .
20 Its only disadvantage is the possible acidity of the backing paper .
21 Its only rival is the Times lending library .
22 The only disappointment is the lack of substance in Councillor motion .
23 The only disappointment was the fuel charges . ’
24 Until last year the firm Banyan 's only offering was a native network operating system built upon a customised version of Unix V. 3.2 for Intel Corp iAPX-86 platforms , which hid Unix from the user .
25 In some cases an underground cell was used , the only entrance being a hole into which prisoners would be lowered , to be kept until they were brought to trial or their debts were paid .
26 He owed his life to Corbett who had saved him from a choking death at Tyburn , yet Corbett was still mysterious ; working constantly , his only pleasure being the flute , some manuscript or sitting quietly over a cup of wine brooding about life .
27 The gas was unlit and the only light was the feeble glow of the coals .
28 The only light was the crack of light down the side of the door .
29 The only reply was a guttural grunt .
30 The only reply was a muffled crunching as Cassowary disposed of a beak-full of berries , leaves and twigs .
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