Example sentences of "only [noun] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For most students the only essays which really count are the ones they will write in the final examination .
2 The only blokes I like is Chris Tarrant he 's quite good .
3 The thumb prick had become a finger prick over the years and was the only bit which mildly hurt .
4 ‘ The only times you ever make any effort to think , ’ says Phil , ‘ are when you 're trying to understand what I 'm saying .
5 This , he claims , is the only guitar he ever wanted .
6 The Maastricht Treaty is the only framework which currently exists for consolidating the European community 's role in furthering European integration .
7 The only case I ever get .
8 ‘ You know , the only ambition she ever had for me was to marry well and bring up the colour of the family . ’
9 ( Brian London , he observed , was the only boxer he ever knew with a cauliflower ae . )
10 An interesting entry by the Kildalton minister relates that " The only animals which formerly existed in the parish , but are now extinct , are red-deer and foxes . "
11 An interesting entry by the Kildalton minister relates that " The only animals which formerly existed in the parish , but are now extinct , are red-deer and foxes . "
12 Perhaps it was too confining for his poetic mind for he said of it , ‘ The only good I ever got from it was the memory of the words ‘ sonus disilientis aquae ’ and the old wall covered with weeds opposite the school windows ’ .
13 The only department which explicitly escapes unscathed is the one which Conservatives would most like to abolish : the Department of Energy .
14 You see , Richard and his wife , Elizabeth , known as Aunt Bessie , had lost the only child they ever had .
15 It 's the only guitar and the only amp he actually owns and , basically , that 's his sound .
16 It was to be the only home he ever owned in Palestine .
17 The English philosopher G. E. Moore returned to the problem in a famous paper , A Defence of Common Sense which , in its turn , forms a background for Wittgenstein 's effort to demystify the issue in Über Gewissheit which , along with the Philosophical Investigations and , of course , the Tractatus , are the only texts he ever actually prepared for publication .
18 Stan Wilson became a sergeant in the Army Educational Corps ‘ it 's said that the only battle they ever won was the 1945 General Election for Labour ’ before spending 34 years at what he terms the chalk face .
19 The o the only shopping I like is shopping for music , but even then I ca n't decide and , it 's horrible .
20 All her father remembered about his grandfather was that he was a dour man and that the only relaxation he ever gave himself was at the races .
21 The British Deaf and Dumb Association is the only body which directly represents the adult deaf and dumb and is controlled by them .
22 Lord Home for one disapproved , recalling ‘ the only difference I ever had with Mr Macmillan .
23 I think they did , yeah Because I do n't get much time during the day er to go away from the shop but er I , the only job I mostly do is when the visitors come to the er temple I have to go there explain about Sikhism .
24 Yours was the only group I ever taught maths — a stop-gap teacher for a year .
25 It may be scruffy , but it is where one belongs , and the only place one ever will belong : a world of pub-going rather than café-haunting , usually more self-examining than woundingly self-critical , and pleased ( even grateful ) to be alive , in a cautious sort of way .
26 The only place I really want to be is my own flat . ’
27 But you had to have qualified for it by working , see ? end of the week and the only place I ever had one was at and because the foreman approached me , I 'd been out of work and got the job by writing to it , going to the library and it was in one of the London papers , they wanted men for the tool rooms .
28 The only place I ever heard what I would call politics was at the British Holistic Medical Association which is the rival to the British Medical Association .
29 The only day I actually wan na see him and the bastard 's on leave .
30 The only sign he ever gave that anything was amiss in his family was the number of times he got out his thumbnail-sized pipe for the comfort of the single puff it gave him .
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