Example sentences of "told her [that] she " in BNC.

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1 She dreamed of becoming a chef at school , but her domestic science teacher hated her and told her that she would never be a cook .
2 He told her that she would not be able to let go of him , that his power was deep , deep in her bones and she was bound to him for ever .
3 He remembered Gina 's summing-up of Eleanor 's character and told her that she only saw people as shits because she was n't woman enough to hold a man .
4 ‘ As I remember it , on the occasion when she first accosted us , you told her that she would be better off at home with a baby on her knee . ’
5 Mrs Thatcher finally decided to go when her Cabinet colleagues told her that she could not win through .
6 Annie 's voice all but went off the chromatic scale when Kelly told her that she was turning down Ibn Fayoud 's invitation .
7 After about thirty seconds , I told her that she could switch the light on once more and make her way out of the cupboard and back to the hall .
8 That alone told her that she was far from being in love with Dick .
9 Later on that day another cousin told Violet that the bungalow would be hers and finally Mr Crowden spoke to her and told her that she would be entitled to keep the bungalow and the personal chattels , and receive a legacy of £5,000 .
10 But something told her that she probably did not .
11 At another time , He told her that she had conceived again , and when she , fearful that this would interrupt her ‘ contemplation ’ , asked how she should look after the child , Christ replied casually that he would find it a keeper .
12 Her mother was killed in a train accident and her father , without looking at her , for he very rarely looked at her , told her that she would continue at the local school .
13 I just told her that she looked like everyone else , although I 'm sure that was n't what she wanted to hear .
14 Her father also told her that she would be among friends .
15 Diana no longer felt so different because of her parents ' divorce but because a voice inside her told her that she would be separate from the herd .
16 They told her that she could n't have her own flat until she was eighteen .
17 Prince Charles never offered to help and when , in desperation , she contacted the press office at Buckingham Palace , they told her that she was on her own .
18 While a small voice inside her head told her that she would never become queen but would have a tough life she found herself accepting his offer and telling him repeatedly how much she loved him .
19 He was doubtful and told her that she would have to ask the Queen 's private secretary for approval .
20 ‘ On his second visit he told her that she was like the favourite aunt he had never had , or better still — Americans make such wonderful parents , will you not adopt me , please ?
21 Soon she was joined by a peasant woman dressed in black who told her that she was trying to get on to the hospital in Toulon for news of her son .
22 Beth had been surprised to know that Cissie herself had been thinking along those very same lines , and it only told her that she was right about Maisie 's children — they were growing up fast .
23 She said nothing , but the cold sadistic look in the eyes of the SS women told her that she could expect no mercy .
24 Anne 's mother told her that she had suggested that Molly came to them while Margaret was busy with nursing , but she and Margaret had decided that the company of the little girl did the old ladies more good than doctor 's medicine .
25 She went to the Labour Bureau and the clerk there told her that she would be passed fit for clerical work and sent her to the Ministry of Defence Office .
26 Dalgliesh thanked her and told her that she could go home as soon as she had checked with Detective-Sergeant Reynolds in the library that he had all the necessary information about where she had spent the previous evening .
27 Mr Bailey told her that she had to wear a special white coat , some special shoes and a white hat .
28 ‘ I told her that she could do what she liked as long as she got her arse out of the building , and quick .
29 She did n't know where this conversation was leading , but gut feeling told her that she could bank on the destination 's being rather unpleasant .
30 But something told her that she could trust him more than any of her so-called friends .
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