Example sentences of "told me [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hawkins said : ‘ Van Gelder told me nothing of this . ’
2 ‘ Maurice told me nothing of it , you know .
3 Francis told me nothing of his intentions so I can only guess . ’
4 On the train as we rode past the spines of Manhattan to the flat rooftops of Brooklyn , he told me something of his travels in north America , indeed , he had been much further west than Jersey City , even beyond Chicago .
5 After asking how I was getting on he told me something of the worries of a Party leader in days when there are no deep political convictions to divide men of good will .
6 At that first meeting he told me something about himself .
7 I never knew Griffith himself but Sir Ben Lockspeiser , who acted as Griffith 's assistant at this time , told me something about the circumstances under which the work was done .
8 ‘ The pathologist who did the autopsy on the body of the man told me something about the effects of nerve gases .
9 ‘ It 's dated July 15th — just over a year ago — and he writes : ‘ Today father told me something about himself which I can scarcely believe .
10 Did Susan , Susan told me something about it , what did Susan say to you ?
11 Oh Duane told me something about Nick or Nicky .
12 Somebody told me something like he was ‘ of the City ’ but not ‘ in it ’ .
13 Andrew Neil is very litigious for an editor ( ‘ Randy Andy Gets a Grandy ’ , you may remember , as The Sun put it in January ) , so although Pamella told me lots of … interesting things about him , I 'd better tread carefully .
14 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
15 He never told me anything about his mother painting in all our married life .
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