Example sentences of "told me [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well now , at the end of that six months I 'd had varied success , sometimes I had poor periods when I was n't detecting much , then I would have a little break , do better , but at the end of the six months nobody told me whether I was stopping there , but twenty years later I did go back to uniform as an inspector .
2 Women from orthodox families told me that they were not allowed to wear them .
3 I did not run into a lot of people who told me that they had been unexpectedly impressed by Mr Kinnock or unimpressed by Mr Major .
4 Martin Martin notes that on a small rocky island to the south of Skye there is ‘ a great quantity of scurvey-grass , of an extraordinary size , and very thick ; the natives eat it frequently , as well boiled as raw : two of them told me that they happened to be confined there for the space of thirty hours , by a contrary wind ; and being without victuals , fell to eating this scurvey-grass , and finding it of a sweet taste , far different from the land scurvey-grass , they ate a large basketful of it , which did abundantly satisfy their appetites until their return home ’ .
5 But managers told me that they had learned from the experience .
6 ‘ Somebody told me that they saw the Bad Seeds recently and the show was being recorded , and that Blixa had had his volume knob turned down the whole time !
7 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
8 One student told me that they were watching and waiting .
9 ‘ Someone will say : ‘ Oh , someone told me that they take drugs at that party . ’
10 When the greetings and exclamations were over , they told me that they had been staying on Mull for a few days , and had just arrived on Moila , and were putting up at the post office with Mrs McDougall .
11 The brothers told me that they owned a remote and beautiful beach which had recently been colonised by hippies living in crevices among the rocks .
12 ( Two surviving compositors , both of whom began work in 1909 told me that they had been among the last recruits . )
13 Work-place acquaintance can safely be assumed to explain most of these weddings — though as it happens , two of the surviving women compositors , one who married a compositor from another printing office , and one whose husband worked at Bartholomew 's the map-printers , told me that they had met their future husbands at social gatherings unconnected with work .
14 When one morning she told me that they were going away , I ca n't say that it was a surprise .
15 They also told me that they have already held several long meetings .
16 Younis told me that they 'd taken my picture because I 'd hidden it .
17 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
18 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
19 One man told me that they left a rough sort of ramp at one side of the corn , and the horse slid down this on to the middlestead .
20 The teachers told me that they found this very helpful , and we certainly find it helpful to hear from you about what is going on in your particular professional world and how the University can make an impact there .
21 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
22 But I know that er the one or two people who told me that they 're going , er we were just going to the service in the church and then
23 My parents once told me that they lived on the Canary Islands for a little while but I do n't think I was born just yet .
24 Erm told me that they had a lot of or a lot a number of people ringing purporting to be someone asking for information , and they like to keep a log of these bogus phone calls , I then rang the patients mother and and told her what had happened as quickly as I could .
25 Does the right hon. Gentleman remember that five months before the Gulf war , the Government told me that they had full confidence that Saddam Hussein was not developing nuclear weapons ?
26 I have pressed the Minister on this matter both in correspondence and in a visit to the Department when he and his officials told me that they would reconsider it .
27 And a couple of weeks ago I was at a chemical engineering company where the managing director told me that they were now using accountants for their safety experiments instead of rats .
28 The woman told me that they normally like you to book a few days in advance so that you have some time to think it over in case you wanted to change your mind .
29 I visited a school in the North West recently and the school told me that they had a considerable number of girls applying to university to read engineering about two years ago .
30 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
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