Example sentences of "told i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I told me mates it was a sure thing and they emptied their pockets and put every last halfpenny on you and that horse of your'n .
2 ‘ A great many years from now , in another universe , a man in a mirror told me to do nothing .
3 Sergeant-Chef Gibeau leant over , tapped me on the forefinger with a table knife and told me to do them up again .
4 They told me to do our exams early .
5 I says yeah I says she told me to do it , I says and then let you listen to it .
6 Ask Mr , talk to Mr then cos he told me to do it .
7 ‘ Miss Anna told me to ask you to go straight in . ’
8 When he told me to strip I refused , saying that I would change my clothes only if he left the room .
9 I do n't believe she heard me because she yawned , handed me the key and told me to hang it round my neck so that no one could take it from me .
10 Dad , dad , Auntie has to go somewhere I do n't know where , but she just told me to call you cos it 's quarter past fifteen minutes past six or is it seven ?
11 When I got to my feet he took the injured arm in both his hands , told me to shut my eyes and start counting .
12 I 'm shouting at the 4th one not to do them so tight because I could n't move my fingers and they just told me to shut my mouth and go quietly .
13 He told me to put him there .
14 You told me to put it in the safe place .
15 he told me to put it on it
16 But he told me to put it on
17 The other night when I got in , he told me to put my feet up , gave me a G and T and dished up the dinner he 'd slaved over .
18 What you told me helps me to walk out of Mr. B 's cast .
19 His nod told me to ignore him .
20 ( I am still smarting at the MILLSTONE remark about poor little B , at which simply roared with laughter , told me to ignore it and that he , , was merely getting crabbit , old , critical and jealous … ) .
21 ‘ Billy told me to use my hook I can hook well as well as jab and found Jason could n't take them . ’
22 I do as I 'm told , and he told me to include you in this job . ’
23 The matron we had then , a supercilious woman , told me to take her along to Thorn House , as they 'd know what to do .
24 I knew I should n't rush into it , all my instincts told me to take it slowly .
25 You told me to take it all the way out .
26 Then they took me into a room and told me to take my dress off .
27 ‘ I must pay tribute to them for both Dominic Quinn from Banbridge and John Bailie from Lurgan told me to take my time with the horse and bring him back only when I felt it was right to do so .
28 ‘ Dad told me to take my time and now I have got back my swing . ’
29 ‘ In the end , they told me to give him a bottle because he was too hungry to feed properly , but looking back I 'm sure it was because they did n't have time to help me ; and after two days I had to go home because they needed the bed .
30 ‘ Maureen told me to give her just a small dose , and I did , ’ she said .
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