Example sentences of "effect have been [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The effect has been to reinforce the concentration of unemployment in traditional inner city areas ’ , the Centre for Local Economic Strategies ( CLES ) reported in Local Work ( 1988 ) , ‘ and in the regions which were already suffering the worst unemployment before 1979 . ’
2 The effect has been to highlight weaknesses in each of the traditional interpretations and to demythologize the revolutionary intelligentsia .
3 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
4 But the net effect has been to leave exactly the same number dependent upon means-tested assistance .
5 The effect has been to leave DGIV acting as both prosecutor and judge in competition cases , which is unacceptable .
6 While new technology has reduced the costs of entry into newspaper publishing , its main effect has been to improve the profitability of established press barons .
7 ‘ The overall effect has been to sustain apparent sales volumes and reduce work in progress .
8 None the less , given that sociology did award philosophy a juridical role in determining how sociology should conduct its business , the effect has been to make social research methods extremely sensitive to judgements about whether or not they conform to the appropriate methodological criteria .
9 It is evident , even from this brief review of the Act , that its overall effect has been to legitimise and encourage numerous police practices ( e.g. stop and search , roadblocks , forcible entry ) which have consistently alienated and antagonised large sections of society — notably , black communities and trade-unionists — and had the accumulated effect of generating public disorder .
10 But in the same period the Government has increased the rate of national insurance contributions from 6.5 to 9 per cent , and , because these rates start at a lower threshold than taxation , the net effect has been to mitigate the changes in income tax .
11 The cumulative effect has been to remove much of the archaeological evidence for settlement from the slopes and uplands , leaving behind only the remnants of flint implements and pottery and the deepest post holes .
12 The effect has been to accentuate divisions between the majority Pushtuns ( known in the days of the Raj as Pathans ) and the ethnic minorities of the north such as the Tajiks , who are kin to the people of the former Soviet republic of Tajikistan across the Amu Darya river .
13 And the effect has been to reduce truth to timeliness , morality to usefulness and personal faith to a matter of what is fashionable .
14 The extraordinary depth and length of the recession is partly to blame , since one effect has been to reduce wastage rates still further .
15 A hundred years of missionary effort had failed utterly ; its only effect had been to confirm the Abyssinians in their attachment to their ancient faith and to sow in them the seeds of xenophobia .
16 The British public had not so far been inclined to take the latest invasion threat very seriously and its chief effect had been to encourage feminism .
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