Example sentences of "itself [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 She believes that Hewlett-Packard has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
2 She believes HP has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
3 In another decade the new Bokhara will have attracted to itself much of the importance of the ancient city , and with its rise and growth the prestige of the latter must inevitably decline .
4 No country has yet settled on how to rid itself forever of the thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste that is piling up at power plants .
5 There seems no reason , and the very business of raising such questions is itself part of a widespread collusive conjuring of absences and of whole worlds of what might have been .
6 In fact , the party emerged out of working-class experience ; more specifically , it was itself part of a political response to that experience .
7 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
8 It had become an ‘ invasion of privacy ’ ( creation in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of ‘ bedrooms ’ was an important move in the development of sexual privacy , itself part of the development of a stable home unit appropriate to capitalism ) .
9 As the quote from Guttierrez shows , the struggle to build a just society is itself part of the process of salvation .
10 He was also made surveyor of the forest of Galtres , to the north of York , which was not itself part of the duchy but included the duchy manors of Easingwold and Huby , of which the duke was also made surveyor .
11 But to implement these policies requires winning political power , and therefore the debate about the future of the underclass is itself part of the debate about the future of left politics in Britain .
12 The aesthetic form of presentation is itself part of the reinterpretation .
13 They visibly sharpened at the end of the decade as medics were forced onto the defensive by a growing feminist campaign demanding the repeal of the acts — itself part of the wider upsurge of the mid-Victorian women 's movement .
14 This defeat was itself part of the wider eclipse of state medicine in the 1870s and 1880s , which opened the space for purity groups to push for their own conception of sexual reform through the criminal law .
15 His paper is , therefore , partisan — it does not pretend to be other and it is itself part of the discourse in support of psychodynamic theory .
16 From our knowledge of Nietzsche 's earlier thinking on that subject , we would naturally take such a title to imply a central concern with tragedy and its demise , but it is certainly significant that the word " tragedy " is not itself part of the title .
17 The implementation of the Syrian-backed strategy ( itself part of the wider Taif 1989 accord — see p. 36986 ) had been fully set in motion on Oct. 13 when Syrian and Lebanese Army troops finally removed Gen. Michel Aoun from his East Beirut stronghold [ see pp. 37792 ] .
18 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
19 He was also made surveyor of the forest of Galtres , to the north of York , which was not itself part of the duchy but included the duchy manors of Easingwold and Huby , of which the duke was also made surveyor .
20 However , the seriousness of the charge is itself part of the circumstances that the court should taken into account in deciding if the standard of proof has been met .
21 Their activism is now able to sustain itself independently of the lives , dreams and aspirations of the majority of blacks from whose experience they derive their authority to speak .
22 Woe betide a Soviet regime which shoots Russian and Eastern Ukrainian miners , the elite of the working class in the supposed land of the proletariat , and does so moreover in an era when suppression of news is no longer possible and society is rapidly organising itself autonomously of the state .
23 Within this tradition , the argument has been that Simmel 's The Philosophy of Money provides an important critique of alienation , which , unfortunately , the author perceived as a condition of modernity itself instead of a specific attribute of capitalism ; but , once his philosophy is directed back to its proper object , there is much to be learnt from his examples .
24 According to Elm 's sales director , Jim Cooper , the company is positioning itself ahead of a tightening of US food storage laws which is due to take place in the next 18 months .
25 Elsewhere in the media world , LWT has come up with a new plan to restructure itself ahead of the new franchise auction in 1992 .
26 But it would be well for British business to remind itself occasionally of the message contained in Figure 1 ( page 60 ) : the fastest-growing markets are not in Europe .
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