Example sentences of "health and [adj] work " in BNC.

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1 The core health and social work services are made available .
2 The network of health and social work support she had enjoyed fell away , but she led a full life and drove her own car , though she still lived with her parents .
3 Last October Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , minister of state for health and social work at the Scottish Office , announced what was described as ‘ the last of the major building blocks for full implementation of the government 's community care policy ’ — the finance for provision of community care by local authorities in the coming year .
4 This has led to a closer working relationship with the adoption of coterminus boundaries between health and social work departments in many areas .
5 d Options There are few options for housing agencies unless other agencies , particularly health and social work , can give more reality to the principles of " care in the community " .
6 In the planning of support services there should be a close relationship between health and social work professionals , in the family and the sufferer ( where appropriate ) .
7 Housing , health and social work each provide part of the finance and the management of the project may be by a committee representing all three authorities or may be taken on by one of the participating organisations or by a voluntary body which specialises in carrying for dementia sufferers .
8 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
9 We should be trying to enhance cooperative arrangements of referral and support between health and social work departments and private homes , and Mike O'Reilly did n't actually say that they had that problem but he said that their clients had been referred by GPs or by the psychogeriatric service .
10 The developments in relation to jointly funded residential care by Health and Social Work , in partnership with voluntary organisations such as Church of Scotland and Bield Housing Association are a positive step forward ; they can develop specialist skills , though again the question is how many specialist facilities will be required ?
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