Example sentences of "saw that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As she was poking about for more loot I glanced back at Granny and saw that the sheet had moved again .
2 She saw that the greyness was not quite opaque .
3 Six , 5–7 : ‘ And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth …
4 A tatami , a triple-woven rush mat , had been placed on the sand , and as he walked towards it Alexei saw that the slave had raked over his footprints as he had departed , leaving the surface smooth and even .
5 Her heart was racing like an express train as she saw that the look in his eyes was as gentle as his hold , as he told her , ‘ Neither did I ! ’
6 On a sudden instinct Burun looked round and saw that the offworlder Suragai was standing at the water 's edge .
7 Here at the bottom of the sky , I went with him in imagination by the rocks of the mind 's shore and I saw that the sky was thin and could not hold and my mind was set free .
8 He jumped to his feet and saw that the sky seemed on fire .
9 Once I was outside , however , I saw that the sky was almost free of cloud and the moon had set .
10 He sucked on a cigarette and I saw that the fingers of his right hand were stained a deep yellow by the nicotine .
11 Next day , as Ginger was ridden down the same road , he saw that the bins were still there .
12 But the second my eyes cleared floor level I saw that the relics had gone !
13 On arrival at the hairpin bend I looked over my shoulder and saw that the kakar had lowered her head , and was once more cropping the grass .
14 Its talons whipped out and embedded themselves into the boy 's skull , using the emptied eye sockets as a means of entry and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes against the dimness , saw that the talons were in fact hollow tubes , thin transparent bones .
15 Close to , she saw that the building had a brick base , up to about three feet , and a metal framework above it .
16 He saw that the building itself was on fire .
17 Looking back , he saw that the gang were pounding his fallen friend with lumps of concrete so he decided to help by jumping into his car and driving at full speed towards them .
18 And I saw that the shed window had been boarded over with some plywood , and the board had a number beneath which was the signature ‘ Popova ’ .
19 Now when Simon saw that the spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them much money , saying , give this authority to me as well , so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit .
20 When Simon saw that the spirit was bestowed to the laying on of the apostles hands it was n't just something he conjured up in his imagination .
21 Fabia protested — and saw that the word appointment was a word the woman did n't understand .
22 He recognised the man with the white handlebar moustache sitting high in a ridiculous Japanese jeep , Health Physics branch , and he heard the sharp horn blast before he saw that the road ahead of him was clear .
23 As his eyes adjusted to the scorching dry heat , he saw that the slaves were all lightly clad ; in the main , they wore ragged breeches , with the upper halves of their bodies and their feet bare .
24 Teclis saw that the battle had turned .
25 None of this is to ignore Thompson 's evidence that some among the older Radicals saw that the Bill did nothing immediately to secure political democracy .
26 As the helicopter came down to land , to their dismay they saw that the organizers had not only laid on about fifteen different activities for the Prince to inspect , including mountain-bike scrambling ; but children from no fewer than five primary schools were gathered together in great banks to greet him .
27 Then I saw that the hills were my legs , and that my head was being pushed between them .
28 She picked one , and held it to her face , and in the lights which shone from the long windows of the house , Edouard saw that the colour of the flower , that rich deep red shot through with gold , was the colour of her hair .
29 Yet when , on taking a look inside she saw that the bed was empty , she guessed instantly what had happened .
30 Glancing at the table , she saw that the girl had done everything just as she had shown her … the big brown teapot had pride of place in the centre of the table , with the pretty rose-patterned milk jug and sugar bowl beside it .
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