Example sentences of "take [noun sg] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Over the next year , 30 to 40 areas will take part in developing the scheme and all TECs and LECs will be able to take part from April 1994 onwards .
2 He welcomes the thinking behind the changes , particularly the idea that people who use community care should take part in planning services , but he warns that implementing the new philosophy might prove very difficult .
3 It is the position of the adjective which instantiates a property explicitly assigned to the entity already identified by the subject of the sentence but which does not take part in identifying that subject .
4 It is in these areas that the cooperation with local elected officials is closest , for they must take part in deciding what facilities are to be built to receive the workers and their families and how to finance them , then take charge of the running of the collective facilities , decide how to allocate the proceeds of the business tax , and so on .
5 We need to be in the Labour Party it is only there that we the unions can take part in making policy about the future of our industries and services , and taking care of our members .
6 ‘ The next parliament will not serve merely as a forum for making political statements but rather as a national institute in which we will all take part in formulating the country 's policies , ’ he said on television before leaving on a three-nation tour as part of Middle East peace efforts .
7 In 's view , no matter what your age , you can take part in kiting .
8 People can take part by doing any physical activity that makes the heart beat faster and lasts for 15 minutes .
9 And it says The Tory government which must which must take responsibility for setting up a rapacious duopoly of generating companies .
10 But an integrated set of policies of this nature is impossible in a period of political paralysis , because ( a ) nobody will take the initiative to devise it , and ( b ) nobody will take responsibility for implementing it .
11 The panel should also take responsibility for agreeing the remuneration of the assessors .
12 They should take responsibility for designing shifts and accept that shifts should be changed rather than discarded if they do not work .
13 No one would take responsibility for off-loading it , and Captain Pintar and his Yugoslav crew would not fly with it .
14 She will need much support and it is hoped that London teachers , who had first been suggested as overall organisers , will give her particularly strong backing and will take responsibility for running the Raffle .
15 And that is the significance of James Baker 's speech announcing that the United States would take responsibility for rebuilding Iraq and Kuwait .
16 He should take responsibility for doing so or accept responsibility for his party 's vote at the next election , when Labour will be returned .
17 The pack says social workers should take responsibility for ensuring the forms are completed but they can be filled in by the person the child is living with .
18 A gradual change in the countryside from brown to green meant that farmers could at last take advantage of buying less feed and the buoyant demand dwindled .
19 Devised by the University of Minnesota , it is a way of short cutting the routes through Internet which can also take advantage of using other host computers which are less busy ( e.g. one in a different time zone ) .
20 • A special microwave recipe section , so you can take advantage of microwaving 's superb time-saving and nutritional benefits .
21 Micro Focus Transaction System can take advantage of multiprocessing hardware .
22 Micro Focus Transaction System can take advantage of multiprocessing hardware .
23 Customers can also take advantage of falling rates .
24 The bill would take effect after receiving the assent of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan .
25 If you feel constantly anxious and frightened about food , if you can not take pleasure in eating or in your body , if you know deep down that something is wrong , then it is irrelevant what you weigh or whether your immediate health is at risk ; you should take yourself and your feelings seriously , and look for help .
26 Although Mabel was a more sympathetic personality than her sister Ethel , when it came to discipline she was equally strict , the difference being that she did not take pleasure in enforcing the ruthless repetition that was necessary to get the routines to perfection and consequently the Girls adored her .
27 ‘ Berenice will come first , but we 'll come again and I shall take pleasure in seeing it through your eyes . ’
28 But do I take delight in pushing you down , making you worse ?
29 Or a human parent will take delight in teaching their child to walk and talk and do so many things .
30 He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes .
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