Example sentences of "person who have be " in BNC.

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1 She had given the instruction herself , saying she could not bear to see the person who had been the instrument through whom she had heard such infamous news .
2 Meanwhile , the school 's RFFS ( rescue and fire-fighting service ) person who had been standing outside the school ran 150 metres to the RFFS vehicle parked by the control room .
3 You wanted at least one person who had been in a commune before , Mary said , and perhaps you ought to advertise along those lines .
4 Annie McCafferty was a very reliable person who had been recommended to Carrie by the local midwife .
5 At home Madame , if referred to at all , had always been the person who had been derided .
6 Treasury should be followed , but they may have taken that view precisely because , so far as B was concerned , it was a case of questions being put to a person who had been charged .
7 The court stated obiter that there is no reason why a section 2(2) notice should not be issued to the applicant after he had been charged , but this statement was accompanied by the clear and crucial corollary that the person who had been charged would have first to be cautioned and questions could only be put for the paragraph 16.5 purposes .
8 In Reg. v. Miles ( 1890 ) 24 Q.B.D. 423 it was held that a person who had been convicted of an assault by a court of summary jurisdiction , but had been discharged , without any sentence of fine or imprisonment , on giving security to be of good behaviour , could not afterwards be convicted on an indictment for the same assault .
9 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
10 Any person whose father was born in the Western Sahara would be eligible for inclusion , as would any person who had been intermittently resident over the 12 years before the December 1974 census .
11 The courts have recently demonstrated a reaction against an absurdly over-generous approach to the construction of agreements in the employee 's favour : see Home Counties Dairies Ltd v Skilton [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 526 in which the defendant was employed by the plaintiffs as a milkman and he expressly agreed that for a period of one year after his employment terminated he would not 'serve or sell milk or dairy produce " to any person who had been a customer of his employers and who had been served by him during the six months prior to his leaving .
12 I knew now that I might have been foolish to have expected so much from Waite , but he had been the only person who 'd been willing to treat both kidnappers and hostages as human beings and to attempt some kind of understanding about how the situation could be resolved .
13 My sister was the person who 'd been the trouble , she had boyfriends in infant school , I was the girl who always beat up the boys in infant school !
14 The relative or person who has been given the medical certificate by the doctor must see the Registrar of Births and Deaths for the district where the death occurred , in order that the death may be registered .
15 But Mr Robin Duval , chief television assistant at the IBA , the person who has been most closely involved in monitoring sponsorship , observes : ‘ The widely canvassed notion that sponsors never seek to influence programmes simply does not hold up in my personal and direct experience . ’
16 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
17 ‘ Apparently it is virtually unknown for a Person who has been murdered to be found with closed eyes . ’
18 Later , we read that ‘ nothing … shall prevent a constable delaying taking a person who has been arrested to a police station if the presence of that person elsewhere is necessary in order to carry out such investigations as it is reasonable to carry out immediately ’ .
19 The child is the psychological state of the little person who has been the victim of his huge parents and their orders and inconsistencies .
20 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
21 An older person who has been accustomed to being in charge does n't suddenly stop feeling responsible for other people just because he or she has gone into a Home .
22 The outgoing person who has been doing the job should be consulted as part of this , although it should be borne in mind that he or she may have certain prejudices which preclude their giving a totally satisfactory answer .
23 For a person who has been severely deprived in early childhood , envy of the baby who is receiving all the care that was and still is so much wanted can feel intolerable .
24 A person who has been thinking intensely , for example , even for a very short time will leave these thoughts in the vapour .
25 He says that when people return to work after a holiday there is a lot of disruption and decreased productivity as a result of ‘ holiday infection that contaminates everyone around the person who has been away ’ .
26 In this case the prosecution must prove that the person who has been summonsed is the holder of the trade licence .
27 I 'd love to read something about Beefheart again — for me he is still just about the only person who has been described as a genius in your august organ who might just be one .
28 When the criminal proceedings in the youth court end , and the same young person who has been held in secure accommodation or remand on the same day may be the subject of an application in the family proceedings court , with a guardian to represent them .
29 Studio programmes present quite different problems , so before briefing the person who has been chosen to represent your organisation recheck the background as outlined on page 109 .
30 The words must be uttered by someone with the necessary authority , in a country in which there is a death penalty , to a person who has been convicted of a particular crime ; they must be spoken , not written , at the right time ( at the end of a trial ) and in the right place ( in court ) .
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