Example sentences of "so i [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 So I take it that you 're just here for a holiday , on your own , Miss Fenemore ?
2 Well I know that you use an answering machine , so I ignored it .
3 I try to justify it in terms of training the intellect to think in an abstract and critical way , so I regard it as a general education .
4 I fear it will go out of control so I release it in tears either by myself or with someone I love and trust .
5 ‘ They asked for an appointment , so I arranged it for this afternoon .
6 I looked to Mrs for guidance ; she looked amused , so I surmised it was not the inception of a punishment for my earlier and inconvenient frankness .
7 I du n no what to do with it , so I stick it on my head .
8 My hat 's fell off so I stick it back on and look round .
9 I do n't mind shopping on Saturday when I 've got the money , but I do n't like it during the week — I 'm usually broke by Monday — so I keep it down to a minimum .
10 I think what I say in that book may be sensitive , so I keep it always on my body , and in Finnish .
11 Disconnect the mains lead to your PC and plug it into the Expert ; there are two sockets for power leads leaving the UPS , so I checked it out with two PCs .
12 Women make their own minds up about what they want to do , I find , so I left it ; but about a year ago she invited me to a party and indicated that whoever it had been was no longer around .
13 I thought I would dig it up again , and put it in her bed , all covered with mould , so that she would know it was dead , but after a while she stopped crying , so I left it there .
14 I went back to Ralemberg 's house but it was all sealed up like a tomb so I left it alone .
15 I had no intention of taking the Transit up West — I 'd had enough trouble round the launderette , which doubles as a common room for the junior branch of the Hackney National Front — so I left it parked outside the front door in exactly the spot where Frank and Salome usually plug in the nightlight for their VW Golf .
16 The tent-pole bag was torn , so I put it on one side with the sewing kit .
17 Now I know it was a great honour but I could see no way of accepting , so I put it on the mantelpiece and more or less prepared to forget all about it .
18 ‘ You 're not going to believe this , ’ said Alex , ‘ but I actually picked up the phone to call you this morning , except I realized it would have been the middle of the night your end so I put it down again . ’
19 Angela , 19 , from Woolton and presently studying medicine at Nottingham University , says : ‘ I had all the classic symptoms of flu so I put it down to that .
20 The sail had been a hindrance , making sport of me at each whim of the wind , so I lowered it .
21 I still got a bit of coffee left after I finish eating the doughnut , so I sip it slow to make it last , and look round the caff .
22 I knew she might get it wrong , so I spelled it for her , ’ Paul says .
23 I suppose I am plump — according to the ‘ Height and Weight ’ charts I am on the heavy side of OK , but my weight has stayed the same since I was fourteen , so I know it 's not true that I 'm overeating , or greedy .
24 Indication can be quivertip or butt indicator and generally I wait for the reel to revolve slowly so I know it is not a line bite .
25 It was witnessed by a number of people , so I know it 's true .
26 I did n't want the long journey in to work each day so I let it to Professor Wendell .
27 But as to being involved — he 's never been part of the firm himself , so I doubt it . ’
28 At least , all the other eighteen-year-olds I knew were like this , so I presumed it was normal .
29 Duncan had not returned Armstrong by six , so I presumed it would be the next morning .
30 ‘ It was too sexy for the song so I toned it down . ’
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