Example sentences of "all [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 've all heard of golf widows .
2 ‘ You 've all heard of Industry Year , I suppose .
3 Actor Bill Roache , alias Ken Barlow , added : ‘ The cast is all filled with admiration for the way they sustain the standards of our scripts . ’
4 The Wales LFAs ( all designated under Article 3(4) ) according to MAFF , are all suitable for extensive livestock production but not for crops , apart from those necessary to feed livestock maintained on the land .
5 It does n't all disappear over night .
6 The music was played by two musicians , Rolande and Ydrys , sitting cross-legged under the cart with a hurdy-gurdy , a reed-pipe , a drum and a shawm , all hidden from sight by a straw bale .
7 … to see Mr. Wats , keeper of the Apothecaries Garden of simples at Chelsey ; where there is a collection of innumerable rarities of that sort : Particularly , besids many rare annuals the Tree bearing the Jesuits bark , which had don such cures in quartans : & what was very ingenious the subterranean heate , conveyed by a stove under the Conserveatory , which was all Vaulted with brick ; so as he leaves the doores & windowes open in the hard(e)st frosts , secluding onely the snow , & c .
8 Supposing that chefs and scullery lads are still alive , have n't fled , or are n't all pressed into service to boil up synthdiet for all those refugees .
9 And then they would all stay for tea or whatever .
10 The rise in the price of oil had little immediate impact , but the collapse of world stock markets , the fall in demand , especially in the USA , for Hong Kong exports and the fear that Japanese banks would cut back on investment all led to growth predictions being revised downwards , in some instance to negative growth .
11 The people in the Tate house were victims of themselves because they had all fallen into sadism and masochism and recorded it on video-tape .
12 Fat Girls like me have all fallen from grace
13 We 've all fallen in love with our cover picture this month , and hope you will too — it 's got such a happy , festive feel .
14 Walking to the station , past the brightly-lit boutiques , cinemas , remainder bookshops and tatty souvenir stalls , all decorated for Christmas and building up to the January sales , she found herself having to think about what had happened to her .
15 Then the pastry for the tarte , again all mixed by hand , would not lift off the board — which was the only time Eric had to come to the rescue .
16 Imagining his Sara ‘ all oppressed with gloom ’ , Coleridge 's spontaneous reply was a poem set in the descriptive frame of an evening visit to Shurton Bars , the coastal area lying beyond a rich tract of open fields to the north of Shurton Court .
17 There 's a group of them , all intellectuals , all educated to infinity and beyond in poetry and stuff .
18 There 's a choice of five different reels , four of which have three socket outlets which can be used simultaneously ( subject to power ratings ) , all designed with safety as a priority .
19 I 've heard say that Grandad used to rise at five o'clock in the morning during summertime to water the garden , all carried by hand , of course .
20 ‘ It ’ was all happening at sea .
21 The greatest improvement of all has of course been the removal of the old climate of repression and fear .
22 Just before we go we are going to hear a recording of a song that 's been referred to which I think is called the greatest love of all which I 'm told we 'll all know by heart er this time next year hmm erm anyway on that note if I may thank you very , very much indeed and I leave you with best wishes for a highly , highly successful birthday year .
23 The major parties all voted in favour ; those voting against included the Flemish Volksunie , the extreme right-wing Flemish Vlaams Blok and both the Flemish and Walloon Greens ; the Van Rossem list abstained .
24 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
25 Here he finds organizations like the Liberty and property Defence League ( LPDL ) and The British Constitutional Association ( BCA ) , and individuals like Lord Wemyss , Herbert Spencer , A. V. Dicey , and Ernest Benn , all committed to individualism and all found supporting the political right .
26 1.10:USEFUL Flat handicappers Barford Lad , Beauchamp Express and Busted Rock all shaped with promise on their debuts .
27 Such was the case at Rawalpindi , a massive stone structure with six powerful crenellated towers , at Mooltan , where a lighter effect was produced by beautiful arcading , stone lattice-work , long balustrades on three levels , all surmounted by chatrio , and at Khargpur , where the central block was surmounted by a tower .
28 Poland , Romania and Yugoslavia had all applied for membership as of mid-1991 , while Albania applied for observer status on June 25 , 1991 .
29 We 've heard the voice of the Party professionals , we 've heard the voice of the Labour leadership , now let's all speak on behalf of the ordinary trade unionists and say with all the force that is necessary on behalf of those millions , men and women , young and old , we support the Party , we pay for the Party , we have a right to democracy in the Party because never forget it is our Party too , I move .
30 He was dressed in a long flannel shirt edged with lace , with flounces all down the middle , and five or six more on either side of the chest , all sewn with wool , in accordance with an Act of Parliament which forbids the use of linen or cotton for this purpose .
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