Example sentences of "all [been] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rumour has it that The High had all been living separate musical lives — Andy in particular having just split with the Stone Roses — when they met in Manchester 's Hacienda club , and decided to put a new band together …
2 The ‘ just rollered ’ look is being worn by some of the world 's most beautiful women — top model Linda Evangelista , Madonna and Kylie have all been sporting those unmistakable barrel curls .
3 When her mother came into the room the picture was completed but the grass had all been coloured blue .
4 They have all been given legal status in the country and enjoy the same social welfare benefits as Nicaraguans .
5 On Feb. 14 , the crews of six SU-24 fighter-bomber jets who refused to take the oath of loyalty to Ukraine defected from Ukraine to Russia , where , it was later announced , they had all been given new postings .
6 Departments have all been given tight target figures which some feel will be hard to meet .
7 There is an enormous range of substances that people can use in order to change the way that they feel , but the safest and most reliable ones , the drugs that have stood the test of time , have all been made illegal .
8 H.G. Wells wrote a story about a traveller in South America coming across a community of people who had all been born blind .
9 His two eldest , William ( 19 ) and Thomas ( 16 ) and even Richard ( 14 ) had all been described four years earlier , in the 1841 census , as miners .
10 For the sake of clarity the ascending-node longitudes have all been set equal to each other , though within each group they are in any case much the same .
11 Ian Rush , Don Hutchison , Mark Walters and Paul Stewart have all been passed fit .
12 Minke whales , sperm whales , and killer whales have all been reported stranded on Australian and New Zealand beaches with their stomachs or throats full of plastic bags or sheets .
13 Andy Boyack , from the Rail Maritime and Transport Union , said : ‘ The lads have all been allocated other jobs within the normal maintenance sections . ’
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