Example sentences of "am not [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two — when the laird complained that Pennant described how rents drained the Highland economies without saying how they should be refurbished , Johnson said , in effect , that Pennant was obliged to report , not to cure ; ‘ If I tell that many of the Highlanders go bare-footed , I am not obliged to tell how they may get shoes . ’
2 I am not sorry to see the stand go because being shabby , leaky at the back , and all but condemned , it was a constant reminder of the team 's own position .
3 Without using any technical transcription system ( the convention .hhh simply means a sharply indrawn breath ) we can capture quite a lot of detail : goin' instead of going , ‘ old instead of hold , ai n't instead of am not all indicate a dialect other than that of standard English .
4 Why this has happened I am not competent to say , but it could be a fruitful and fascinating subject for research .
5 Parts of his book are about physics and cosmology , and I am not competent to comment on those except to note that he seems to have used genuine physicists as his authorities .
6 ‘ I am not opposed to change and most have been successful .
7 I froze not because I am not proud to have worked for my company , and indeed consider myself fortunate to have done so — and not because I do not admire my company and put everything that I can into serving it .
8 ‘ And John … preached , saying , There cometh one mightier than I after me , the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose ’ ( Mark 1:7 ) .
9 Last night , there he was again between the sections of The Greatest Story ( Signals , C4 ) , a kind of Michelin guide to the Hindu poem generally said to be 15 times as long as the Bible ; a fact I am not inclined to check .
10 ‘ Even so , I am not willing to sell , ’ she retorted .
11 I am not willing to sign any paper that would release that land to anybody . ’
12 It is obvious that we should have talks but I am not willing to be told that the talks can only take place at one location and I am not willing to accept an invitation to a slanging match .
13 I am not ashamed to say it brought me close to tears .
14 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
15 I am not ashamed to admit that I am not overwhelmed with sympathy for muggers and molesters .
16 I am not ashamed to admit being overwhelmed with nostalgia and a swelling in the throat on hearing ( or even thinking of ) that song .
17 For I am not ashamed to admit that I am The Burpman .
18 Holding her gently in my hands and feeling her warmth and the trembling lightness of her , I was genuinely moved t– tears and am not ashamed to admit it .
19 Such developments keep Johnson and Boswell at a further remove , although on the wall of the castle hangs a framed letter in which Johnson , with his attractive spidery writing , gives thanks to his host : ‘ The kind treatment which I have found wherever I go makes me leave with some heaviness of heart an island I am not likely to see again …
20 I regret I am not likely to lose weight in China , as their habit , at least in Peking , is to give us at least twice as much food as we need , and however much we gently suggest that three platefuls rather than six would be sufficient , they still go on just the same .
21 I have only two boarders , both of whom leave before Christmas , and I am not likely to replace them easily .
22 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
23 May own efforts at making custard , on what I think was called a Hydra Burner , may have been forgotten by those who subsequently had to eat the awful stuff , but I am not likely to forget the watery culinary disaster !
24 I am not slow to sing the praises of the city of Nottingham , and there are good grounds for doing so .
25 I am not prepared to let it die . ’
26 ‘ No , I am not prepared to wait for the trial .
27 ‘ If intercourse under the circumstances now in question constitute an assault on the part of the man , it must constitute rape , unless indeed , as between married persons rape is impossible , a proposition to which I certainly am not prepared to assent , and for which there seems to me to he no sufficient authority …
28 Nowadays , although I am not prepared to take too many risks , riding brings me more pleasure than ever .
29 I am not prepared to take action until the facts have been established .
30 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
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