Example sentences of "am [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
2 ‘ I am rather surprised that he made it public , but we will be taking it very seriously — have no doubt about that — and it will be raised at the Anglo-Irish Conference meeting in London . ’
3 I am rather surprised that Martin Frears has found himself in this predicament .
4 ‘ I am most upset that you have been treated so badly by my countrymen , ’ Gennaro said in a quiet steady voice .
5 ‘ There is no reason in it , I am most unreasonable and know it .
6 ‘ Your Grace , I am most anxious and deeply troubled by the rumours put about by evil men .
7 In writing this I am acutely aware that the energy of commitment fuelled by the gravity of the situation in the Philippines has once more taken a hold of me .
8 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
9 I am fundamentally lazy and decided that we would inevitably be scrambled so it was less effort to remain in my aircraft and wait for it , helmet on and listening to the R T. The next thing I saw was people running — I still could not hear anything due to my helmet — and on looking round saw the 109s starting their dive on the field .
10 But I am jolly sure that they would not let the government of the day , or their contemporary House of Commons , forget how important it is to supply water and to look after the sewers and drains .
11 I am personally impressed and encouraged by what is going on in some of the hardest hit areas in my part of the world and by a series of what you might call chance accident , we 've actually got a sign on it on the platform here .
12 Sir John , one of the most respected Conservative back-benchers in the Commons , added : ‘ I am personally glad that the air has been cleared but sorry .
13 But I am less sure whether the bigger houses , with their established markets , benefit other than in terms of public relations .
14 As a pair they really were an excellent entry and looking back , I am somewhat amazed that my aunt ever plucked up the courage to parade around the streets .
15 There are so many sick in the village , February is a wicked month , and it seems to take me all my time to get round the cottages and then when I am back , I am extremely tired and I fear I 'm not as patient as I should be , poor little creatures and the baby still in his petticoats .
16 Lady Wagner , who spoke at the conference said : ‘ I am extremely disappointed that the minister did not announce the setting up of a new group to take on from where we are now . ’
17 I am extremely proud and my thanks and appreciation go to all the staff . ’
18 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
19 I am terribly shy and as a result , very lonely .
20 I am terribly shocked and saddened that Woody chose to have a relationship with Soon-Yi .
21 I am especially glad that lenders have given assurances that they will not repossess homes where direct payments are being made to cover the mortgage interest .
22 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
23 Because I feel strongly that I am much more than that … perhaps many more nameless things , but valuable to me nonetheless .
24 Dear Mr Conchis , I am much afraid that since the extraordinary … and then it stopped .
25 ‘ I am much fitter and stronger now than when I won the Los Angeles marathon , ’ said Plaatjes , who is based in Bolder , Colorado .
26 ‘ I am only sorry that my requests for the Public Accounts Committee to investigate royal travel costs as well as the cost of the royal palaces was not agreed to . ’
27 I had four good , rewarding years with the company , and I am only sorry that we were unable to reach an agreement . ’
28 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman and I agree that there should be a discount for single people — I am only sorry that the Labour party continues to insist that we should return to a rating system in which single people would have to pay through the nose , as they did before .
29 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
30 ‘ I do n't want to say too much as people will think I am only concerned because if the new rules come into force it will mean Shelford ca n't play for us next season .
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