Example sentences of "services [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 GPs who volunteer to hold practice budgets will act in a similar way for those services for which they are responsible .
2 A lower proportion of their clients receive one of the three main services for which they were referred .
3 If the assessor is not involved in provision , they can take a more objective look at individual client need , be able to say whether some need is unmet , and not be tempted to offer those services for which they are responsible as the sole , potentially inappropriate solution to the client 's problems .
4 There is , after all , no surer way of influencing the power of local government than by varying the range of services for which it is responsible .
5 Clause 33(1) of the Finance ( No. 2 ) Bill 1975 provided that the employee was to be treated , on receipt of a voucher , as having received an emolument from his employment of an amount ‘ equal to the expense incurred by the person providing the voucher in or in connection with the provision of the voucher and the money , goods or services for which it is capable of being exchanged . ’
6 It is a classic example of the waste of local taxpayers ' money by a foolish council which would do much better to spend the money on the services for which it is statutorily responsible .
7 Central Government possesses a number of mechanisms for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the services for which it is responsible .
8 The households can be thought of as the owners of factors of production , the services of which they sell to firms in exchange for income ( in the form of wages , salaries , interest , rent and profit ) .
9 The proprietor of a trade or service mark has the exclusive right to use the mark in relation to the class or classes of goods or services against which it is registered .
10 Aware that society has been constructed by able-bodied people in ways which serve and perpetuate their own interests , these people have used our consequential marginalisation and dependence not as a starting-point for developing with us a struggle for social change and equal opportunities , but as a handy and convenient fact to justify the development of all the inappropriate disability services with which we are now so familiar .
11 The key point of these arguments is the suggestion that state bureaucracies have certain special features which encourage them to have budgets which are significantly greater than would be ‘ optimal ’ for the provision of the services with which they deal .
12 We shall be concerned in the main with the amount spent by local government , the services upon which it is spent , and the ways in which the expenditure is financed .
13 Will the hon. Gentleman give a categorical assurance that if , unfortunately , the Conservatives are returned to power in a general election , value added tax will not be extended to any of the goods or services upon which it is not already levied ?
14 Only by setting our standards high can we deliver the efficient industries and good quality services in which we can all take pride .
15 In a field which is continually changing , the trainers have to keep their own interpreting skills up to date and their knowledge of the services in which they are training students to work and continually improve their understanding of the cognitive and linguistic processes which underpin those skills .
16 By that stage , the work of Mezey had changed the picture of a comfortable evolution of mental health services in which it was seen as an area or district task to put forward plans for development of community services .
17 Many people know very little about the benefits that can be claimed by the elderly and those who are looking after them , or the free services to which they are entitled , so they often fail to claim something that is their right .
18 Long experience has taught many Irishmen that they will not get from authorities national and local the benefits and services to which they consider themselves entitled without the kindly intervention of some influential personage .
19 Bearing in mind the hon. Gentleman 's interventions and today 's debates in the House , he may like to know that there has been yet further strengthening of the regulatory system in relation to the services to which he objects .
20 We shall do this while continuing to increase spending on the essential public services on which we all depend .
21 They also saw it as a chance to reduce the cost of the basic services on which they rely — the telephone , gas , electricity and water .
22 The ‘ deadlocks ’ which some public choice theorists think desirable because they will reduce the over supply of public services might well deny needy groups the services on which they depend .
23 It is now recognised that the costing of community-based care to take account of the wider back-up services on which it must depend is a complicated calculation which was not available with any degree of sophistication at the height of the movement away from institutional care ( Knapp , 1986 ) .
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