Example sentences of "services [noun] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The people who employ me , the Eastern Health and Social Services Board and the government , in the past have called us in the RVH , and now it all depends who they are talking to — if they are talking to the American delegation we are Marxist revolutionaries and if they are talking to other delegations they have branded us as Provos .
2 Trading at the film and television services division and the video and audio production and distribution arm was generally stable .
3 This meant a heavy involvement at senior management level and a heavy workload for both the Computer Services Division and the new Payroll/Personnel Departments in order to implement and operate a system which had such a radical effect on the organisation and administration of payroll and personnel records .
4 If anything it is the managers in family health services authorities and the NHS who have failed to anticipate and plan for the first three of these contingencies that has caused the current workload crisis .
5 Unfortunately , at this point neither senior management staff in the Social Services Department nor the local councillors involved in the conference presented the Conference Report to the Social Services Committee for ratification as council policy .
6 The usual method for reconciling different shades of opinion within the authority ( or area ) is the book meeting , at which representatives of the bibliographical services department and/or the areas meet on a regular basis to discuss the selection of new books .
7 For instance in Coventry , the local authority social services department provided the day centre .
8 During the time when negotiations with Southwark were still continuing , the Age Concern Research Unit ( ACRU ) had been approached by service-providers ( the consultant psychogeriatrician , the social services department and the local Age Concern organiser ) in Ipswich , Suffolk , with some ideas of their own for a project on the elderly mentally frail .
9 Such a programme would involve more than one local authority department ; in this case the social services department and the housing department .
10 Roycroft also claims — and many in the health authority agree with him — that relationships between the social services department and the health authority , both managerially and professionally , have long been good and have helped underpin a high level of community care .
11 During the 1980s , the deregulation of the financial services industry and the liberalisation of financial institutions and markets are two major developments that have been observed in the United Kingdom , France , Luxemburg and in other main financial centres in the world .
12 As for the circumstances in which an auditor might come under a duty to report , the banking act as well as the financial services act and the insurance companies act , uses , use the phrase in his capacity as auditor , here again we have no powers to clarify this on the face of the regulations .
13 Of the £8 , the branch has to send £4 to the National Childbirth Trust HQ to support the work of the national charity , so we only get the remainder to spend on 's breastfeeding counsellor training , Penny 's antenatal teacher training , newsletter production & mailing , our post-natal support network , expenses for members who sit on the Birmingham Maternity Services Committee and the Community Health Council etc. etc …
14 The General Medical Services Committee and the General Medical Council seem unaware of the philosophical gulf that exists between the medical profession and user representatives .
15 ‘ The future risks are tremendous , ’ said Mr John Roberts , a Panama expert who served as general counsel on the Senate Armed Services Committee when the Panama Canal treaties were ratified in 1978 .
16 The Social Work Services Group and the ESRC will each contribute £50,000 a year at current prices towards the costs of the Centre , which consists of a Director and three or four full-time researchers .
17 Up to two hundred old people will have to move if the council accepts a recommendation from its Social Services Director that the homes should close .
18 It is now likely that a common position will be reached on the European Community 's Investment Services Directive before the British presidency ends in December .
19 The two pluses are books , thanks largely to Addison Wesley , thankfully decisively so and the oil services business and the only other item worth reflecting , I think worth er , remarking on , is in fact that if you take out the black hole effect er , the entertainment fall was only two million and I think that is a creditable performance .
20 In addition , even if it does not have a UK office , a non-UK firm nonetheless needs to be authorised for investment business carried on from a non-UK office with customers or counterparties in the UK on a services basis unless the FSA 's overseas person exemption applies ; this indeed also applies to UK firms ( see page 43 below ) .
21 Dentist Simon Allum , of Hurworth , near Darlington , warned that colleagues may resign en-mass from the Durham Family Health Services Authority if the matter was not resolved .
22 The authority , formed by merging the commissioning functions of the family health services authority and the district health authority , will contract with primary care for defined services — general medical , community nursing , chiropody , family planning , etc .
23 This problem is so great that it has become fashionable to call for a new kind of organization to put in place of managerial hierarchy , an organization that will better meet the requirements of what is variously called the Information Age , the Services Age or the Post-lndustrial Age .
24 Following a a recent meeting of the Membership Services sub-committee when the main topic of concern was how to encourage class members to join the Society , it was suggested that the method that I use to encourage class members to join could be passed on to you .
25 There was none at all in the subsequent Financial Services Bill and the accompanying paper from the SIB , Regulation of Investment Business , which simply set out the proposed clauses to be enacted and the regulatory framework to be adopted without any attempt at justification .
26 There should therefore be plenty of advice and practical help at a local level , via the social services departments and the medical profession .
27 Nevertheless , the twenty years following the Act were ones of such rapid development in policy in the child care field that by 1968 the Seebohm Report recommended the absorption of the child care service by unified social services departments and the merging of specialist child work into generic social work .
28 Welfare services for the disabled became part of the new local authority social services departments and the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act was passed .
29 With that check came renewed questioning about the balance between services provided by the social services departments and the many forms of family , neighbourhood and commercially purchased care that they supplemented .
30 a change in the departmental structure creating giant super-ministries such as Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry to suck back decision-taking from the centre ; and the establishment of business-like organizations , such as the Property Services Agency and the Procurement Executive , to secure the better management of large blocks of Whitehall work ;
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