Example sentences of "until [noun sg] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He says that scientists have certain tests they need to carry out , they ca n't really be sure how she died until shis has been done .
2 The talks were boycotted by Syria and Lebanon who stated that the multilateral sessions were worthless until progress had been made in the bilateral sessions .
3 Dr Paul Maestrone , scientific and medical affairs director for the American Parkinson Disease Association , said he considered any findings ‘ very preliminary ’ until testing has been done in humans .
4 In deference to the opposition within the party , the abandonment of the referendum was kept secret until Law had been able to consult with Borden , who of course insisted that tariffs without food taxes would be no value to Canada , but who also refused to make a public intervention in British politics .
5 A majority of the EC , in which the Georgian Menshevik I.G. Tsereteli had emerged as a leading figure , had by this time adopted ‘ revolutionary defencism ’ , accepting that until peace had been secured they must uphold the front .
6 The administration in the United States ( which had never formally recognized the incorporation of the three Baltic republics into the Soviet Union ) on March 12 ruled out such recognition until independence had been properly negotiated with the Soviet authorities , and it called on the latter to respect Lithuania 's declaration , and on all parties to avoid violence .
7 The archaeological evidence suggests that silver first came into use on a substantial scale during the third millennium B.C. It was not until metallurgy had been carried to a relatively advanced level of sophistication that the production of silver in any quantity became practicable .
8 And since there is much talk of danger and imprisonment , perchance I should remain here until mama has been consulted . ’
9 Examples of such tasks are : an adolescent girl who has been having unprotected sexual intercourse with her boyfriend agrees to go to her local family planning clinic to seek contraceptive advice and to avoid having intercourse until contraception has been arranged ; a student with difficulty getting down to revising for an important examination decides that he must make a list of what he needs to do — his therapist suggests he also arranges the topics in their order of importance .
10 Innocence is presumed until guilt has been established by formal trial .
11 These results showed that the cell culture maintained satisfactory growth until confluency had been reached .
12 Revolution in Spain , the Communists insisted , must be postponed until victory had been won and the appropriate ‘ objective conditions ’ had developed .
13 He had become a political exile in France in October 1990 , and had made public statements to the effect that he would not return to Albania until democracy had been restored there [ see p. 37792 ] .
14 As already stated , the reason for the retention is the exquisite pain associated with passing urine , and the best way of solving the problem is to apply some local anaesthetic ointment until the vulva and external genitalia are completely numb and then sit the patient in a warm bath until urine has been passed .
15 They passed below them , into the narrower part of the field between the two copses , and it was not until Acorn had been sent half-way down the slope to attract their attention that they turned and came up to the ditch .
16 The major question , which can not be answered until treatment has been attempted , is whether success would only result in preserving what function remains or whether the epithelial cells could reconstitute and resore function to damaged areas of the lung and gut .
17 ‘ A great crowd assembled , ’ runs the report in The Sexual Life of Our Time , ’ from the midst of which the unfortunate couple were removed in a closed carriage , and taken to the hospital , and not until chloroform had been administered to the girl did the spasm pass off and free the man . ’
18 In a move underlining the prevailing mood of uncertainty , the Supreme Soviet voted to delay the actual exchange of ratification documents with the USA until agreement had been reached with other nuclear republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) , namely Byelarus , Kazakhstan and Ukraine , on the status of all former Soviet nuclear forces [ see p. 38890 ] , and until they had given their formal endorsement under the START Lisbon protocol [ see p. 38937 ] .
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