Example sentences of "until she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she will not get that distance until she learns to — that 's right — detach .
2 Because it had always been in the back of her mind , from the moment she got up in the morning until she went to bed at night .
3 Alix bought some the next day , on her free half day in Cambridge before she took the Bletchley route to her Oxford interview ( for she was a clever girl , Alix ) — but she never dared to apply it , save in the privacy of her own room , until she went to Cambridge herself as a bona fide student the following autumn .
4 I do n't know whether the child was happy with Mrs Reed , but she stayed there ten years , until she went to Lowood school , where you were yourself .
5 When she woke she found her hand covered with blood which she could not wash off until she went to church to confess to the priest .
6 She found it impossible to settle after his visit , and spent the time until she went to bed silently reviling him .
7 and er , I mean what she saw of Kerry was , she dropped her here at quarter to nine , she picked her up between five and half past and the rest of her she saw around kid , the rest of the time she saw her own kid and er Julia was to have her until she went to school , so I mean how can there be any bond there , which there ca n't , but the mother said herself I had her because it was the done thing so I mean it 's , it 's today in n it do n't you think ?
8 He stopped to watch her until she disappeared in the darkness .
9 Obviously , at the end of her service , she was too old for breeding and stayed with her handler until she died at the age of sixteen .
10 In his London flat there is only an old Roberts radio his mother owned until she died in 1973 , aged more than ninety .
11 Charles White acted as her medical adviser for the last eight years or so of her life , until she died in February 1758 at the age of seventy .
12 He remained as tenant , as did his sister after him until she died in the late sixties . ’
13 For a Royal tour she always used to pull out the stops and literally shop until she dropped for the occasion .
14 Until she said in front of the Rembrandt , ‘ Do n't you think he got the teeniest bit bored halfway through — I mean I never feel I feel what I ought to feel .
15 Sylvia had asked for a recall , so it would have to wait until she returned to England .
16 He waited until she returned from her aunt 's hut , and stepped out into the path in front of her .
17 Slowly , slowly he undressed her , kissing each patch of pale , smooth skin , as it was revealed to him , stroking her , touching her all the while , until she lay before him on the huge expanse of bed , in the lacy fragments of her underwear — the only barrier between Luke and her nakedness .
18 She felt his other hand cupping her head and , releasing his finger , she leaned forward until she lay against his chest .
19 And stroked her neck until she lay against him
20 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
21 Rachaela had not offered her anything to drink , and let her go to the door unaided , pulling on her ridiculous gloves , until she looked like a parody of a bear .
22 Laying her basket down , she ran towards the shriek , her feet slipping on the loose ground as she came under the trees , until she finished with an uncontrollable slide that landed her almost on top of Oz .
23 I was offered this amazing job in London , but I felt no , I 've got plenty of time , I 'd rather be with her until she goes to secondary school .
24 ‘ I 'll stay with her until she goes to sleep , ’ said Finn .
25 ‘ I 'll stay and keep Julia company until she goes to bed , ’ David answered easily enough .
26 And she 's got another two weeks off now , until she goes into schools and then she 's in the schools full-time , but even so , she wo n't have , she did n't have exams .
27 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
28 ( Just as she has never believed Christ existed until she read about him in Tacitus — an independent witness . )
29 She had n't actually intended to go in , but the window display caught her eye and , without thinking , she wandered in , to look , certainly not to buy , until she realised with a pang of guilt , as she gazed at the racks of colourful fashions , that everything in her wardrobe must be hopelessly out of date .
30 She leaped up the track and ran until she felt as if her lungs would burst .
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