Example sentences of "until it has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They tend to take existing tranquility for granted — until it has gone . ’
2 Indeed , the DNA-PK does not become active until it has bound to DNA .
3 Thereafter it hammers away with great effect until it has excavated a narrow tunnel as much as three feet long .
4 However , while the fact that it does lead to the possibility of new tests makes an hypothesis worthy of investigation , it will not rank as an improvement on the problematic theory it is designed to replace until it has survived at least some of those tests .
5 I have used it until it has powdered .
6 In September 1965 , Walter Legge told readers of Musical America : ‘ The American public will have no idea of Karajan 's full stature as a conductor until it has heard how this Klingsor of operatic conductors conjures up his magic gardens . ’
7 With a star of very low initial mass , nothing more happens ; the star glows feebly , and then simply cools off until it has become dead .
8 The idea of ‘ care ’ has been carefully nurtured until it has become the hallmark of solid acceptability , the key to political creditworthiness , and the disability industry 's SDI designed to shield their programmes of social control from criticism .
9 Sentimental as ever , the English refrain from slaughtering the little tablefare until it has developed a taste for grass .
10 The message of the Burgess shale — that there has always been variety , and no one can say in what forms it will survive until it has done so — remains .
11 Difficulties over timing are normally resolved by the respective lawyers giving appropriate undertakings , particularly if the chargee will not release the charge until it has received part of the sale proceeds .
12 The agency can not start work on a claim until it has received these documents .
13 Although you will not be able to take your puppy out for a walk in public places until it has completed its course of inoculation , at about 12 weeks old , the intervening weeks up to this point will be useful in familiarizing the dog with walking on a leash .
14 It then works its way back through all the calls until it has completed the final multiplication , when it returns the answer .
15 Similar action should be taken , so that the dog is told to be quiet , and you disappear until it has stopped barking for a few moments .
16 The period which elapses until a product at the limit of the release specification at the time of manufacture , changes until it has reached the limit of the check specification , is the minimum shelf-life ; the product which is close to the nominal value at the time of manufacture will continue to comply with the check specification for longer than this .
17 This , with the already established Course I , will continue to operate until it has reached due completion for students currently in training .
18 If it is set too low , then Offline will accomplish its workload using less ‘ portions ’ ie. it will calculate how many blocks can be stored and then continue until it has achieved that workload regardless of the 15 minute factor .
19 That play has as an epigraph a Christian equivalent of the escape through ‘ Shantih ’ from the cycles of creation : ‘ Hence the soul can not be possessed of the divine union , until it has divested itself of the love of created beings . ’
20 Meanwhile , heat the distilled water in another basin over a pan of simmering water until it has warmed .
21 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , refuses to bless the undertaking — and thus open the way for private financing of part of it — until it has wrung several concessions from the British .
22 How can an electorate be expected to make up its mind until it has seen all the smears ?
23 The acquirer should refuse finally to settle the terms of the warranties until it has seen the disclosure letter and disclosure material .
24 However worthy its intentions , and however able its personnel , no government will be able to put Britain right unless and until it has modernised our constitution .
25 If the sauce requires thickening , boil it quickly in the casserole or a saucepan on the hot-plate until it has reduced sufficiently — it should be thick but moist .
26 Boil the wine rapidly in a small saucepan until it has reduced to approx 1 × 15ml/tbsp .
27 The Snotling base fights at full effect until it has taken 3 wounds when it is removed .
28 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
29 The swing is pushed and is not pushed again until it has come right back to its starting point .
30 Moreover , it is unlikely to be in such a position until it has come to grips with the broader contradictions underlying its current operation — its devotion to the Common Agricultural Policy on the one hand and its ambition to recruit the states of Central Europe as members on the other .
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