Example sentences of "child [unc] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Transfer to the county court A magistrates ' court may transfer any public law case ( other than proceedings relating to emergency protection orders , contribution orders ( see Chapter 16 , 5 ) and certain appeals relating to privately fostered children ( see Chapter 18 , 6 ) , child minders and day care facilities ( see Chapter 19 ) ) to a county court care centre where it is in the child 's interests to do so because : ( i ) the case is exceptionally grave , important or complex ; ( ii ) it is appropriate for the case to be heard with other family proceedings pending in the county court ; or ( iii ) transfer is likely significantly to accelerate the determination of the proceedings ( APO , art 7 ) .
2 ( f ) Transfer from the High Court The High Court may transfer proceedings down to a care centre if it is both appropriate and in the child 's interests to do so ( APO , art 13 ) .
3 ( d ) Transfer to another county court One care centre may transfer proceedings to another care centre if this would be in the child 's interests having regard to the need to avoid delay .
4 Any party who is legally represented may be excluded from all or any part of the proceedings if the court considers this to be in the child 's interests having regard to the matters to be discussed or evidence likely to be given ( FPCR , r16(2) ; FPR , r4.16(2) ) .
5 She would have to keep the child 's arms covered , because Roy would go crazy if he thought his little angel had been whipped .
6 It was amazing really , Lindsey thought , watching , fascinated , as the child 's tears became a hesitant smile .
7 ( a ) Interim care and supervision orders Under s38(1) ( 2 ) the court can make an interim care or supervision order whenever the proceedings are adjourned provided it is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the child 's circumstances fall within the ambit of s31(2) .
8 This approach also suggests that the most important language is that which represents the child 's attempts to express her own needs and intentions rather than language which arises as the child tries to express ideas supplied by the teacher .
9 An image of a child 's bones burning .
10 She broke off as another memory stirred … that same evening , but later , raised voices coming from her mother 's room , her child 's feet pattering along the landing , peeping through a crack in the door …
11 I do not think it would be helpful to try to define the point at which the court should be prepared to disregard the 16- or 17-year-old child 's wishes to refuse medical treatment .
12 When she told her of the plan to marry the child 's feelings came out .
13 The child 's parents took the view that surgery would be wrong , and wanted the child to be allowed to die .
14 But babysitters who 've completed the course can show a certificate of competence to the child 's parents to reassure them .
15 It 's important for you and the child 's parents to work together as much as possible .
16 If there 's no time to summon your child 's friends round to join in , invite Teddy .
17 Due consideration must then be given to the child 's views having regard to his age and understanding .
18 But since on this occasion the words were dictated to the child it is more likely to be the child 's efforts to repeat the sound to herself and to write down her idea of a phonic equivalent .
19 A loving bond fuels the child 's efforts to learn .
20 You see now how it is when your child 's wits fail , and there 's naught you can do for him .
21 Concerns about dehydration if the child refuses to drink from any other source keeps these mothers in a state of anxiety and so they capitulate to their child 's demands to continue breastfeeding .
22 She also has to get them ready for bed and try to avoid one child 's screams waking another .
23 Her emotions were as confusingly mingled as the child 's expressions laid one over another .
24 If access is refused , or information about the child 's whereabouts withheld , they must apply for an emergency protection , child assessment , care or supervision order unless satisfied that the child 's welfare can be satisfactorily safeguarded without such action ( s47(6) ) .
25 The first ( up to 7/8 years ) was moral realism and right and wrong in the child 's eyes depended on what adults told him was right or wrong .
26 Mada Joyce bent ponderously to feel Hyacinth 's brow and the child 's eyes fluttered open .
27 The child 's eyes widened .
28 The child 's eyes widened .
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