Example sentences of "words [conj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast with One 0ver The Eight in which he constantly said his ‘ gloo — oo-oo-m ’ words or would take a word like ‘ now ’ and repeat it excessively , he behaved with total seriousness in this ; a different character entirely .
2 1 A class of words may consist of all the words that may occupy a certain element in a structure , eg prepositions : such classes are positional classes .
3 There was a certain ritual quality in this exchange , as though Melanie had stumbled on the secret sequence of words that would lead her safe over the sword-edge bridge into the Castle of Corbenic .
4 The clamour of her heartbeat filled the silence between them , as she struggled to find the words that would send him away forever .
5 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
6 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
7 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
8 She had spent sleepless nights composing the right words , words that would sound neither sleeveen nor grasping .
9 ‘ What I 've run out of are words that would describe a man like you without — without blistering the paint on these walls ! ’
10 Seized for a moment by the power of prophesy , Caledor spoke words that would ring down the ages .
11 ‘ He wrecked your act with a few well-chosen words that would have slid straight off your back if anyone else had said them .
12 My job was to say a few words that might comfort both groups .
13 In , in column one we may think er bewildered , fearful hiding , weak , afraid , are words that might describe Peter 's state of mind , his emotions .
14 With words that should shame the Prime Minister , one man 's humiliation on facing the sack
15 He felt for the words that should follow , the first step that was as hard as a death , or more truly , as hard as being born again .
16 We can not explain the motivations of Romeo in terms of today 's values , but we can bring a contemporary handling to the words that will make the imagery blaze afresh each time it is spoken .
17 The program memory will contain a long list of words that will tax the resources of most children .
18 Words that will express something of the deep complexity that makes us precisely the way we are , from the momentary effect of the barometer to the force that created men distinct from trees .
19 It is occasionally possible , just for brief moments , to find the words that will unlock the doors of all those many mansions inside the head and express something — perhaps not much , just something — of the crush of the information that presses in on us from the way a crow flies over and the way a man walks and the look of a street and from what we did one day a dozen years ago .
20 The program is aware of the width of the page and can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space available .
21 It becomes more difficult each year to find words that will reflect the invaluable help given to the Association by the young people of the Air Training Corps and the Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets .
22 Using a technique known as symbol recirculation , Dyer shows that distributed symbol representations can be learned through recurrent networks that will generate expectations concerning words that will occur next in tasks such as script-learning and comprehension .
23 One approach to this problem is to develop a parser that selects the words that can combine to form valid sentences .
24 Mr Ball , 58 , told a news conference : ‘ There are no words that can fit it — for what they have done .
25 In Hearsay-II for example , the average number of words that can follow any initial portion of the utterance is thirty-four .
26 But Sun will have to eat its words and may have to declare a product like its News windowing system dead .
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