Example sentences of "knew he [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No one who really knew him would ever let him down , she thought .
2 Anyone who knew him will gladly testify that he was a disaster behind a steering wheel .
3 All he wanted was for him to put out the cigarette ; he knew he would just go on suffering the strangled air .
4 The General knew he would probably die , for infantry took pleasure in killing cavalry and he would be the leading horseman in the attack on the bridge , but the General was a soldier and he had long learned that a soldier 's real enemy is the fear of death .
5 He is quite brazenly staging a public spectacle — a spectacle for which he knew he would either have been stigmatised as an upstart and a blasphemer , or acknowledged as precisely what he claimed to be .
6 She lived on in them , in their memories , not in the ashes he knew he would soon be given .
7 That was why she knew he would always hate her .
8 Despite the nagging of common sense , Mungo knew he would never be satisfied until he found some answers .
9 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
10 For all their mutual sympathy , for all the sense he had of their being irrevocably bound together , this was the one question he knew he would never ask .
11 I knew he would never take on students in a language he did not speak .
12 When morning dawned he knew he would never again follow the old man up to that room .
13 She broke up the partnership with exhaustive cunning , prising Arthur away with weapons of sexual mortification that she knew he would never describe to a living soul , least of all to Fred , because she was Fred 's loved wife .
14 She sensed his waiting for her confidence , but knew he would never pressure her into saying anything she would rather not .
15 Telling him would be a mistake , she knew that , just as surely as she knew he would never tell her what he really felt , but she knew .
16 Last week Mr McTear , who was 48 , began giving evidence in the case the end of which he knew he would never see .
17 He had ninety thousand men , of whom half might fight well , and he knew he would likely face a hundred thousand of Napoleon 's veterans .
18 He knew he would only get one chance with the plastic .
19 But she knew he would only mock her , so with an effort she refrained .
20 He tried to be the former and his Notebooks show his struggle : the latter he knew he could never be but always revered .
21 He felt a sense of guilt but at the same time knew he could never have spoken to her anyway .
22 He knew he could never talk himself straight with you .
23 She had not wanted to love this man , especially when she knew he could never love her back .
24 She was under no illusions — she knew he could never feel the same way about her , she knew too that she was storing up heartbreak for herself .
25 ‘ Fancy falling in love with the same man twice — when I knew he could never be interested in me ! ’
26 But only yesterday one of his own batch had n't been so lucky , and it was when the news broke in the camp that he knew he could still feel emotion .
27 It was none of my business , and I knew he could still feel the cold stone of that floor at the hotel while death hammered insistently just above his head .
28 He knew he could always go to his mother for help , but pride stopped him .
29 He knew he could really have done with a saw .
30 He knew he must still be an object of some interest .
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