Example sentences of "found to be a " in BNC.

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1 ( The asbestos had been built into the carriages to act as sound and heat insulation , but had of course later been found to be a health hazard . )
2 THE MOST important Khmer and Thai sculptures were withdrawn from Sotheby 's major sale of Asian art yesterday after one of the pieces was found to be a fake .
3 By this time , therefore , the Forest Eyre was found to be a cumbersome and ineffectual engine , and was allowed to fall into desuetude : only two short eyres were held in the southern forests during the remainder of the century — in Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire in 1348 , and in Hampshire and Wiltshire in 1355 .
4 Just as drugs were often used , even when their properties were poorly understood , to investigate physiological processes which they evidently modified , so X-rays were found to be a valuable tool in certain fields of study .
5 It was called prostaglandin , but in time was found to be a mixture of many related substances with very complex chemical and biological properties .
6 In your advert give the name of the person to whom the reply is to be made since this has also been found to be a positive factor in encouraging people to reply .
7 Its ‘ original settlers were found to be a tailor , a publican , two eating-house keepers , and a fruit-pie maker ’ , SB 11 .
8 This was later found to be a general property of toroidal discharges , including pinches and tokamaks .
9 This was found to be a general feature of elastomers because of the presence in most polymers of water soluble impurities .
10 It was later found to be a fake , but who was supposed to have sent it ?
11 More scientifically , variety has been found to be a factor in influencing the quantity of food we desire .
12 There is found to be a consistent tendency for higher levels of bargaining to be associated with a greater degree of union organisation .
13 One candidate was found to be a novel member of the src family of genes , encoding a protein-tyrosine kinase expressed in B cells .
14 The twist to the story came when the old man was found to be a carrier of the very germs that he blamed the coloured people for bringing into the country .
15 He was very soon found to be a satisfactory workman , and was engaged initially for a period of 2 years .
16 It has also been found to be a source of one of the major ingredients of the contraceptive pill .
17 The chemical which supplies the colouring is dihydroscyanthraquinone , also called alizarin ; this was found to be a derivative of the hydrocarbon anthracene , from coal-tar .
18 When schematic drawings of faces have been used as stimuli visual hemifield asymmetry has been found to be a function of several factors , including the degree of similarity between the stimuli to be compared and the inter-stimulus interval employed ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ) .
19 In many large series of critically ill patients sepsis has been found to be a major determinant of mortality .
20 A book in the museum library is just labelled Register and on opening is found to be a register of books lent , almost all of them books for children .
21 For how long in the future does the decision affect the business , and how quickly can the decision be reversed if it is later found to be a bad one ?
22 Some years previously , however , a long tunnel , North Cross-cut , was taken off ( along a fault ) from a point further along the Deep Level ( see Fig. 19a ) to try the Dry Gill Vein — at the intersection it was found to be a barren quartz string .
23 Of other possible causes of these disparities in achievement , IQ differences were considered at length , but not found to be a significant factor .
24 Delivering the three modules in an integrated way was found to be a very useful method of assisting language learning .
25 The annual grass Lolium temulentum is a close relative of ryegrass and , for reasons of genetic uniformity and simplicity of life-cycle , has been found to be a much more suitable subject for fundamental studies of growth and development ( , , ) .
26 Such an equilibrium is stable ; that is , the price , if displaced a little from it , will tend to return , as a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point ; and it will be found to be a characteristic of stable equilibria that in them the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , and vice versa .
27 The culture of an organisation is often found to be a major influence on risk management issues .
28 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
29 In some respects these accounts are similar to those in the experimental situation where key characteristics were found to be a common strategy .
30 The severity of antral gastritis was scored using the method of Rauws et al , which we have found to be a sensitive method for assessing the severity of H pylori -induced gastritis .
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