Example sentences of "found in [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Later another partially ignited device was found in a second furniture shop but caused only minor damage .
2 A mixed population of ECL cells and cells resembling P cells by the granule size was observed in patient no 5 while very heterogeneous cellular proliferation with a prominent ECL cell component was found in a fourth case ( case no 1 ) .
3 Anorexia is a relatively modern illness er the first descriptions of it are found in the nineteenth century and today it 's er by no means an uncommon illness in er mainly in young women , very occasionally in men , but , but er y it 's more or less safe to say it 's er it 's a disease of er women and almost always younger women .
4 In the examination of that June 1925 ( Classics Part I ) Ramsey 's name was to be found in the second class .
5 Similarly , the Commission does not incorporate in the proposed Directive reciprocity requirements , such as those found in the Second Banking Directive , in relation to bids from offerors in non-EC countries .
6 De Quincey 's morbid account of ‘ the death of little Kate Wordsworth ’ is to be found in the second volume of his Works edited by Masson ( Reminiscences vol. ii , pp. 440–5 ) .
7 Partly because those who served in garrisons had to be ready to serve in the field when required ( for a castle acted as a base where soldiers could remain when not in the field , and from which they could control the countryside around by mounted raids within a radius of , say , a dozen miles ) , partly because of an increasing difficulty in securing active support from the nobility and gentry for the war in France , English armies at the end of the war sometimes included a greater ratio of archers to men-at-arms than ever before , sometimes 7:1 or even 10:1 , rather than the more usual 3:1 under Henry V and the parity of archers to men-at-arms normally found in the second half of the fourteenth century .
8 In any event , as appears from the context in both Golder and Oliva , the burden of Lord Parker C.J. 's statement is to be found in the second part of it , under which the jury is to be directed that the witness 's previous statement will not as such be evidence upon which the jury can act .
9 What is more , the Spirit of God , and the shekinah , or glory of God , were not to be found in the Second Temple ( b .
10 A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme .
11 Our results agree in the distribution of proliferation indices by compartments , in that mostly the highest proliferative activity was found in the second compartment when five compartments were calculated .
12 Most of the details about Eleanor and her relations with Edward , including his attempts to subjugate Scotland , symbolically signified by his removing the Stone of Scone to London , are found in the first volume of that small classic , Agnes Strickland 's Lives of the Queens of England ( 1864 ) .
13 This is normally found in the first part of sleep ( see below ) .
14 No comments whatsoever could be found in the first soundings of reactions ‘ which even provided so much as a hint that some or other people 's comrade was in agreement with the attempted assassination ’ .
15 The next reference in 1955 is to some bonds having been transferred and this is found in the first Bondholders ' Minutes written by their new Secretary , J. H. ( Harry ) Tomalin .
16 Their only rule of religious , moral and social life was the Law of Moses as found in the first five books of the Old Testament ( called the Pentateuch or the Torah ) .
17 The correct word was included about 60% of the time , although it was found in the first position of the list of alternatives only 18% of the time .
18 The social and drug-using characteristics of known opioid users in the second prevalence survey were , by and large , similar to those found in the first survey during 1984–5 .
19 DES Circular 8/83 requested information on these efforts and preliminary results reported in Better Schools showed almost a complete reversal of the situation found in the first survey .
20 The property can be found in the first cul-de-sac on the right .
21 Example 26 gives the first two sentences from the Andante of Mozart 's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik : Notice how the second sentence uses material — semiquaver runs and larger leaps — not found in the first .
22 It is true that the great width is only to be found in the first part of the new route but that is enough .
23 Nevertheless , it is because of their influence that Roman Catholic adherents were found in the seventeenth century as far east as Bulgaria .
24 It was known to Paracelsus in the fifteenth century , it can be found in the fourth century BC in Hippocratic writings and is one of the principles of treatment in Ayurvedic Medicine which was written down over 5000 years ago .
25 quoted with approval a passage in Jervis on Coroners , 9th ed. ( 1957 ) , p. 179 , now to be found in the 10th ed. p. 197 , that any conflict between a verdict of lack of care and rule 33 of the Coroners Rules 1953 , now rule 42 of the Rules of 1984 , can be obviated by making sure that the verdict does not state that the death was aggravated by the lack of care of any particular person or persons but merely states that it was aggravated by lack of care .
26 Traditionally Catholic provision for this age group was found in the Sixth Forms of our Grammar and Comprehensive schools and was confined in the main to A level provision .
27 The Old Mill , at the west end of the village , was still operative until the early years of the Second World War , and the New Mill at the east end , which lost its sails in a gale so severe that parts of them were found in the next village , has been restored in recent years and is now a very attractive dwelling .
28 Hahnemann 's comments on this new method are found in the 6th Edition §270 .
29 This is mainly to be found in the last chapter of the book .
30 Many students returned to Oxford prior to 1335 , and only seventeen masters , six parish priests and fourteen students were found in the last inquisition .
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