Example sentences of "period [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The period may start at different times for different companies .
2 Without the assurance that there will be a market of sufficient size for the company 's products when they eventually come on stream ( a considerable period may elapse between product conception and realisation ) , projects requiring major capital investment would be too hazardous to undertake .
3 No one can predict when a busy period may occur in the ward .
4 Consistent underuse of the overlap period should result in a review of the off-duty system to reduce overlap .
5 However , the Transition Committee for the Salvation of the People ( CTSP ) decided that the transition period should continue until March 26 , 1992 — the first anniversary of the overthrow of former President Moussa Traoré .
6 Silver of this period should conform to the Britannia standard but does not always do so .
7 There are thus both economic and ideological reasons why the new musical energies of this period should come from American sources .
8 In Committee , the Lord Chancellor , Gardiner , a prominent campaigner against capital punishment , tried unsuccessfully to lessen the impact of the Commons amendment by proposing that the five year experimental period should expire on 31 July , only if Parliament so determined by affirmative resolution of both Houses .
9 Anyone who was prepared to submit himself to a debtors ' prison for a token period could apply from The Fleet or the Marshalsea for the help of the Insolvent Debtors Court .
10 The cost of training at a summer school over a five-week period will vary with the different establishments , but the overall fee is likely to be around £700 ( 1990 prices ) , for all students , whether from Britain or overseas .
11 The length of the pre-operative period will vary from patient to patient .
12 When the temperature changes , the timing period will vary by up to two minutes per degree approximately .
13 This penalty , according to the legislation , will be £100 , and the penalty period will extend for a further two years .
14 The tolling period will extend to 1 July 1996 and the Government will then make a decision about the future .
15 Requirements beyond a five year period will depend on the extent of RBG financial activity and the replacement systems available on the market by that time .
16 Requirements beyond a five year period will depend on the extent of RBG financial activity and the replacement systems available on the market by that time .
17 Many companies whose latest accounting period started on 1 November will therefore be affected as this period will end after the appointed day .
18 This period will start with still more doubts and uncertainties , and you have to make a choice that will prove decisive in shaping your destiny .
19 In most cases , this initial period will count towards the minimum period of study for the degree .
20 Applicants are registered in the first instance as supervised postgraduate students ; this initial period will count towards the minimum period of study for the degree .
21 Under anaesthesia , neuromuscular control is lost and poor positioning of limbs in the peri-operative period can lead to a temporary loss of function if nerves have been pinched .
22 In the Sheriff Court the adjustment period can range from a few weeks to a few months , depending on the whim of the Sheriff .
23 With its finances balanced precariously , with Ministry restrictions on the appointment of tutor-organisers and the withdrawal of some of the university 's resident tutors , it had to rely heavily on voluntary effort — and no-one who reads the branch or Federation literature of this period can fail to be moved by the zealous commitment of ordinary WEA members , a commitment based upon the sheer love of learning and an earnest desire to offer something worthwhile to society .
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