Example sentences of "sort of [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 say sort of environmentally friendly and
32 like you say , it 's sort of outstandingly cheap why bother ?
33 An equality of influence in the world between superpowers in the capacity to annihilate each other ( and ourselves ) may , for a while , alter the course of human history from one of repeated wars of a more or less controlled sort of strictly limited skirmishes in ‘ away from home ’ territories .
34 And as far as I know that that was the erm most erm sort of financially effective
35 That 's right , that 's right , yes , how we consume these products , yes , I mean , you 're right , so a potato is a potato is a potato , but if it 's pre-packed , graded and washed , that is sort of intrinsically different from er , er , sort of , mouldy , scruffy old potatoes that you could buy at a greengrocer .
36 I think , I do n't know if , I 'm finding it quite difficult at the moment because he , he 's sort of neither one thing nor the other and we 're out a lot sort of
37 , it 's all done with some sort of ultra sound thing .
38 Rory had always thought of Hamish as a sort of ponderously eccentric fool , and Ken a kind of failure because he had so much wanted to travel , and instead had settled down with Mary , stayed in the same wee corner of the world as he 'd been born and raised in , and not only raised his own children , but chosen to teach others ' , too .
39 Um y'know er there are ways in which ch abusers will characterise their activity as sort of fundamentally loving and gentle .
40 that you can try and get them to say well is that sort of moderately vivid or very vivid or very very vivid or absolutely compelling just like real life or erm I , I do n't know what , what , what you 'd be able to do erm it 's obviously got ta be something that you can present orally
41 lets face it , if , if Russia had wanted to declare war , to , declared war on us , sort of right ten years after the second World War had finished , and that would of been it , Europe would of been out
42 Now , how did your family cope with your mother being sort of politically active , what did you how did you manage ?
43 And then , for the first time ever in my life , I what I normally do is I have sort of maybe some questions that I definitely pre-plan and if I 'm lucky one or two of them , and this paper all three of my prepared questions actually came up exactly as I 'd worded them , or near enough .
44 just leave that unless you are totally stuck , and I do n't mean sort of five minutes , have a good sort of maybe ten minutes or say about ten minutes of playing with this .
45 The Great Detective , for all that he figures in mere detective stories , is a figure to parallel with the great poet and the great scientist because in solving the sort of genuinely baffling mystery that confronts him , in fact he goes some way to solving a yet greater mystery , the mystery of the human personality .
46 Three sort of fairly general Can you , can you see okay ?
47 And that 's a sort of fairly normal function of a of any bypass is to particularly of a larger er urban area as opposed to say a village or a small town is to have connecti connections in er to the to the larger urban area at a number of points .
48 I mean there was a classic case a couple of years ago of a lady who was pushing a baby in a pram across a zebra crossing and as she was half way across out of the corner of her eye she saw a truck thundering towards her which was quite clearly was n't going to stop and that you know a sort of fairly anxious situation , and she froze .
49 Yes there all sort of fairly standard that they 're using
50 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
51 I wish I had been 'cause I took CSEs at school and I got sort of fairly average grades ( 1 in music ; 2 in English ; 3 in history , general science and woodwork ) .
52 Get right down there and make it er we 've got a record playing in a moment make it er make it sort of fairly butch fairly butch okay ?
53 Small pipe is offering a lot of resistance to the water so that 's a sort of fairly high resistance .
54 so er mm but , you know , so er given that it 's a sort of fairly discursive thing it 's , it 's , you know , it 's probably , in some ways it 's probably less difficult than you think .
55 Um generally speaking you know if you you might want to use sort of fairly y'know sort of fairly brief extracts y'know sort of five or ten minutes or something like that maybe and get people to y'know respond to it and so on .
56 It 's the fact that we are so close to America , that we 've got this highly dynamic American sound that we had in the sixties in this country with the kind of dynamism in the sixties and the desire to sort of break through all kinds of formal barriers — I mean the mini skirt period , you know what I mean and in certain cities , like Liverpool , where this feeling of it is necessary to break through barriers to create this kind of dynamic sort of extremely vital sound .
57 Was er , was this industrialization envisaged being a sort of purely urban thing , or were they trying to encourage er rural industry as well ?
58 do n't want to be sort of too enthusiastic about the number of words , just in case it turns out that they ca n't .
59 Whereas when I work I 'm sort of too careful I think I 'm too scared to do something .
60 Yeah oh I du n no but they 're sort of too thick and gooey .
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