Example sentences of "ever [be] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It would be the first time she had ever been with John to a place that was part of her own particular world , unless one counted the Ash Wednesday lunchtime service at her uncle 's church .
2 Have you ever been to Durham Cathedral ? ’
3 Have you ever been to Milvain Street , which , for all any of us know , may be a perfectly suitable home for yourself and the issue of the marriage ? "
4 I have never ever been to Victoria Park .
5 Have you ever been to Bellaghy ? = Were you ever in Bellaghy ?
6 I do n't know whether you 've ever been to Russia , Mr Millet , I have .
7 Ever been to Russia ? ’
8 I had not at that time ever been to India .
9 ‘ Have you ever been to Delphi ? ’
10 Have you ever been to Japan ? ’
11 ‘ As I told you last night , this is the only time I 've ever been to Venice . ’
12 You ever been to Westbury Castle
13 Ever been to Westbury Auctions No , straight up !
14 Ever been to Shawdicth , Sidnum , County Kork , Redding or Hybry Corner ?
15 ‘ Lady Isabella , ’ he said softly , ‘ have you ever been to Nightshade House in Piper Alley near Whitefriars ? ’
16 I do n't know if any of you have ever been to Newcastle before — if not , I 'd be happy to meet you at the station , or wherever , ( as long as it 's not too early in the morning ! ! ) , take you for a drink , and show you how to get to the ground .
17 Ever been to Woburn , for instance ? ’
18 Had Holly ever been to Switzerland , because there was a bank there ?
19 She said to John , have you ever been to Tenerife ?
20 ‘ Neither of you have ever been to Harrods ’ sale , ’ said Apricot .
21 Have you ever been on Proz have you ever been on Prozac Oliver ?
22 In fact , it 's one of the few places he 's ever been outside London .
23 When Maurice was beginning to get restless Wycliffe said : ‘ Have you ever been over Alfred 's rooms above the shop ? ’
24 Neither Gran nor my parents have ever been in Italy .
25 Praying was ten times as hard as it had ever been in Africa , so was steering clear of hatred , a problem Isobel had never encountered before .
26 ‘ I have known such a life … the days seemed to be longer , the air sweeter than it can ever be in England
27 Their game will allow Cantona to become more involved in the middle of the field than he ever was at Leeds .
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