Example sentences of "interest be in [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Attempts by the Church to solve trade problems like Third World Debt were branded ‘ political ’ by those whose intrinsic interest were in preserving the economic status quo .
2 Firstly , when one thinks about using computers in schools , one tends to think of technology , and you think of people with white coats and dials and sort of science and technology and so forth , whereas I think in schools the big interest is in using a microcomputer as a teaching aid and as a support to other services and other ways of doing things , so it is just as relevant in a primary school as a secondary school .
3 Kerswill 's interest is in distinguishing different types of variable rather than in developing methods of quantification which give different kinds of insight into sociolinguistic patterns .
4 But the main interest is in trying to reduce the rate of first heart attacks among middle-aged men prone to CHD ( men have maybe four times as many heart attacks as women ) .
5 His interest is in pricking Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin into bristling at each other with wattles glowing scarlet and throats gobbling rage .
6 The Rafsanjani initiative was welcomed by the Soviet Union , by UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , and by French and Turkish spokesmen , but a US State Department official said that " the Iranians are not directly involved in this conflict and our interest is in getting Iraq out of Kuwait " , while Bush said that " we have to go forward and prosecute this [ the war ] to a successful conclusion " .
7 But you must know that my main interest is in getting men to stay on this line .
8 His main interest is in developing practical expert systems that are installed in plant/factory/hangar environments .
9 My interest is in examining the argumentative effects of these different categories of text representation .
10 And , although they do n't realise it , nobody is listening except the barman whose only interest is in closing up .
11 Society 's interest is in upholding the concept that all human life is sacred and that it should be preserved if at all possible .
12 Turkey 's primary interest is in gaining access to the European Community and Ankara believes that support for the West in the Gulf will hasten the day when Brussels will have to admit , albeit reluctantly , its first Muslim partner .
13 Where a plaintiff had brought an action in rem , however , his primary interest was in recovering his property , and in recognition of this the jurists devised the clausula arbitraria to assist him .
14 Their chief interest was in walking rather than in birds , so we compromised with a day that started near Svartifoss , a waterfall that tumbles between black basalt columns .
15 The Hiatt-Thompson brochure was available to those visitors whose only interest was in obtaining products for North America .
16 But since the RCM staff were not trained social workers , many undesirables slipped through the inspection net , including quite a few whose only interest was in acquiring cheap household labour .
17 Furthermore the term group was not generally employed and the main interest was in finding the number of formally distinct values a function of n variables takes when the variables were permuted .
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