Example sentences of "best [noun] [to-vb] is " in BNC.

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1 Confronted with such a situation , with no sure indication as to how , if at all , a satisfactory clarification of particular identity might be found , we might be tempted to think that the best course to follow is to try and see if we can make do without relying on this awkward and intractable concept .
2 The best tape to use is matt ‘ invisible ’ mending tape , as standard Sellotape rapidly becomes brittle and splits .
3 There are many examples similar to ( b ) ; perhaps the best rule to give is that the tonic syllable will tend to occur on the last lexical word in the tone-unit , but may be placed earlier in the tone-unit if there is a word there with greater importance to what is being said .
4 One of the best places to go is the Edinburgh Room not only because of its wide variety of subjects but also because of the choice of sources , as there is not only books but slides , photos , maps and much more .
5 Probably the best place to start is Murlough Bay , reached by one of those narrow , winding roads that unnervingly dips out of sight so you wonder whether it continues or not .
6 If the bias towards one end is only small , the best place to start is in the middle where there is often plenty of space and the chances of making a good start are greater .
7 As with any important expedition , the best place to start is in the comfort of your own sofa , making a plan of campaign .
8 The best place to start is to consider the business you are in , and what are the assets on which your business depends which are themselves dependent on IT services .
9 The best place to start is in the pencil test .
10 But we should all be doing something , and the best place to begin is with a prayer every day for God 's blessing on the great work of telling people that God loves them .
11 The best place to walk is in the middle of the pavement .
12 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
13 The best tool to use is a bone folder , which is especially smooth and strong .
14 One of the best ways to learn is to find out how other people do things .
15 If you are keen to do some racing at a local club , the best thing to do is check out which classes have strong fleets in your area .
16 The best thing to do is to channel this concern in a positive way by helping them practise revision and exam techniques at home . ’
17 The best thing to do is set firm guidelines .
18 The best thing to do is to apply for further details of any of the courses which interest you .
19 The best thing to do is to put down absorbent floor covering in those rooms .
20 Always , the best thing to do is to run and shout for help , before attempting anything else .
21 If your elderly relative is unfortunate enough to be registered with a doctor who is impatient with the older patients on his list and not particularly interested in geriatric medicine , the best thing to do is to try to get her transferred to the list of another doctor in the area whose attitude towards his elderly patients is known to be more sympathetic and thorough .
22 The best thing to do is to find out exactly what kinds of jobs are available in the general field and decide which ones would best suit you .
23 The best thing to do is find someone to talk to about your options .
24 Without a doubt , if you can make the journey from where you live , the very best thing to do is to visit the Trial Grounds of the National Rose Society at St Albans , Herts , — the Mecca of the rose — where you will be able to get as much information as you want , and straight answers from knowledgeable staff .
25 The best thing to do is ignore it . ’
26 I usually find that when the puzzle is too complicated to think about any more , the best thing to do is act .
27 And probably the best thing to do is say is say , Trumpet plays horn two , and plays quietly all the way through ,
28 But , the best thing to do is to see him at his off where he works , he 's a tailor you know that , do you ?
29 If you tell your enemy , your hatred will be even more satisfactorily justified , but the best thing to do is tell the priest .
30 And she said oh the best thing to do is just sort of travel for a bit an
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