Example sentences of "available [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the spectacular growth in provision the number of long stay beds in the private and voluntary sectors now dwarfs the number available for long term care in the NHS .
2 Whereas ministerial consent was previously required , now certain ‘ secure tenants ’ have the right to buy their houses ( flats , initially excluded from purchase but available for long lease , were later included ) .
3 An arrangement had been made in association with the World Bank for Scottish advice to be made available for primary education in Pakistan .
4 By February more room should be available for tutor-led group sessions and workshops .
5 The first irradiated fuel will be dismantled in the new cell in January 1995 and from then on it will be available for alternative use with IFD 2 .
6 Most organisations involved in functional catering establish and maintain lists of people whom they have screened for their suitability and who have declared themselves available for casual work .
7 Thus , one large contract caterer in a northern city with a high unemployment rate , whose casuals consisted almost entirely of otherwise unemployed people , estimated that as many as four times the number of people passed through its list of those available for casual work in the course of a year than were on that list at any one point in time .
8 During vacations , priority will be given to formal sports conferences and courses , but otherwise all facilities are available for casual use to all visitors .
9 For general purpose pads 2.4mm o/d are quite adequate and again special shapes are available for integrated circuit pin-outs which are already conveniently laid out on the correct 0.1″ pitch .
10 Of all the treatments for obesity , none could be more physiological or less psychological than the operation known as jejeunoileostomy or ileal bypass , in which most of the small intestine is short circuited thus greatly reducing the amount of intestine available for absorbing food .
11 Time available for in-service training was cut and cut again .
12 I am quite pleased that Auckland fly-half Grant Fox has changed his mind and made himself available for international action .
13 There is a good case for excluding these economically inactive people since they can not really be described as capable and available for full-time work .
14 A CONTROVERSIAL proposal that unemployed young people between 16 and 21 should make themselves available for full-time community service is to be discussed by the Labour Party .
15 Both the Whettons , Alan and Gary , have announced that they will again be available for major rugby this year .
16 It is available for early testing on Sparc machines and should become generally available in April supporting RS/6000s as well .
17 Most of this land could not , in fact , be made available for early development .
18 Except that since it 's not longer in the budget it 's not available for future spending .
19 Depo-Provera has been available for short-term use in Britain since 1978 .
20 But the low priority still given to gender , and the position of women in the foothills of the profession , ( see BSA , 1986 ) together with increased competition for the limited funding available for sociological research in the present political climate , suggest that feminists still face a long struggle to put women 's issues onto sociology 's mainstream agenda .
22 Alternatively , sulphate may have been absorbed more completely in the small intestine of these subjects with insufficient amounts being available for colonic sulphate reduction .
23 It is concerned with the forms energy can take , how efficiently it can be used and to what extent energy can be made available for useful work .
24 The conventional family division of labour not only reduces the number of hours a woman is available for paid work but also reduces the amount she could expect to earn per hour even in a non-discriminatory labour market .
25 TVEI funding is available for central development and local allocation of support material , which will ‘ flesh out ’ individual modules , providing assessment advice , suggested assessment instruments , and teaching materials .
26 These services may also be available for occasional use .
27 An SQL module is available for Advanced Revelation ( AREV ) , but its introduction would involve major modifications to BG-BASE , over which RBGE does not hold development rights .
28 Missouri Botanical Garden has agreed a debt-for-nature swap with a French bank , enabling it to double the amount of money available for botanical research in Madagascar .
30 Jane Hindle , formerly Thames Television 's schools publications editor , now works from home and is available for free-lance editorial or production contracts .
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