Example sentences of "problems [that] [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An accumulation of socioeconomic problems that have been developing for 25 years are closing in on blacks like a vice , ’ says veteran African-American author and social theorist Harold Cruse .
2 Some are looking to sell their practices or merge their way out of problems that have been brought on by the severest recession the UK has experienced since the 1930s .
3 Despite all the problems that have been discussed in relation to the basic assumptions of classical criminology , I have emphasised that they have stemmed mostly from the way they were interpreted , and from their underdevelopment .
4 The problems that have been identified in British medical education are not unique , and many of the proposed solutions have already been implemented elsewhere .
5 In practice you will find that problems may be broadly divided into two classes : ( I ) problems that have been solved , and ( II ) problems that are insoluble .
6 How will it help the people of Cynon valley the poorest district in Wales , the district with most of the problems that have been identified in the surveys conducted for HTV by the Cardiff Business school , and the area where 60 per cent .
7 This allows us to by-pass a number of problems that have been discussed in the literature on two-sector models , including the uniqueness of momentary equilibrium ( see , e.g. , Dixit , 1976b , Ch. 6 ) .
8 I wish that I had found the Opposition 's citizens charter a little more convincing , but half the ideas that they put forward in their citizens charter , as a spoiling exercise to the Government 's , were already in operation and the other half were vague promises and side-stepping some of the problems that have been created by Labour-controlled local authorities up and down the country .
9 I will not say that much of this debate has been irrelevant , because that sounds as if I am dismissing what has been said , which I am not , but it is irrelevant in the context of 1993 , because the advent of the new system will answer many of the problems that have been identified .
10 Moreover , hybrid coalitions overcome the organisational and political problems that have been associated with individual scientists/industry relations .
11 We could have created a fairer system without incidentally , the problems that have been referred to in earlier debates of trying to redraw boundaries at such short notice er before the European elections .
12 We now have in place a new estates officer for Cherry Hinton er can I ask that that there is a special report brought to the housing committee er before the summer recess on the possible solutions to the problems that have been identified ?
13 You should be able to solve some problems that have been bothering you for some time , especially those connected with your work .
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