Example sentences of "towards him [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can easily go back to normal , ’ Maggie got out quickly but he reached out and captured her hand , spinning her towards him and catching her in his arms .
2 Half-blinded by the glare , Manville picked out two black shapes moving towards him and brought his gun up quickly , thumbing off the safety catch .
3 He put his hand in his jacket pocket , searching for his wallet , and as he did , Doug , serious now , yanked Harry towards him and whispered in tones from which all traces of his cockney accent were now absent .
4 She leaned towards him and lowered her voice .
5 ‘ Why did n't you do something ? ’ she charged , walking towards him and halting a foot away .
6 Terrified , the giant backed away from them as they came towards him and fell head first over the crag , never to be seen again .
7 He pulled the notebook towards him and wrote : Check early drypoint , Heroin for a Penny , refs .
8 Goldberg , pushing the hair out of his eyes with his forearm , dragged the pad towards him and wrote : Appendix on the real facts ?
9 She pushed on the door as if for support , turning towards him and settling into her seat again as if that had always been her intention .
10 The old lady now moved her shoulder to let George Banks , the butler , take her plate away and hand it to Patrick McCann , who was standing behind him , then to place before her a plate he had taken from the sideboard ; and she , after looking down on it , turned her head up towards him and said , ‘ Iced pudding , Banks ?
11 She now bent forward towards him and said under her breath , ‘ I 've been married five years , Charles , and I 've been five times pregnant .
12 Later , when like a waking nightmare , the business was over and he was once again sitting in the cab , Mr Beecham leant towards him and said , ‘ If you will excuse us we will be returning straight to Newcastle , ’ and paused before adding , ‘ Sir Joseph , ’ which remark drew the young man 's attention to him .
13 I was experiencing something very like despair , which was not altogether relieved when he turned me towards him and said , " I 'd love you if you were as bald as a coot .
14 Louis leaned towards him and said with enormous venom , ‘ You 're in my way . ’
15 He now thrust his arm out and pulled her tightly towards him and waltzed her round the table , saying , ‘ One , two , three ; one , two , three ; one , two , three .
16 At least Paul Middlemass , the Principal Scientific Officer Document Examiner , had appreciated the wine , drawing the bottle across the table towards him and refilling his glass , his lazy ironic eyes watching his host .
17 Then he pulled her towards him and asked her to give him a kiss , but she pulled away quickly when she saw Mum 's scowl .
18 Martin took his seat in the car and was about to start her up when Joe leant towards him and asked , ‘ Would you like me to come with you , Martin ? ’
19 He pushed the pad aside , drew the typewriter towards him and began to type again , squinting down at his friend s tiny handwriting .
20 Goldberg , pushing aside pad and pen , drew the little typewriter towards him and began to type again .
21 Jo leaned towards him and began to slide her hand up his long , lean thigh .
22 Beyond the twin pillars of fire eating their way towards him and throwing billowing curtains of smoke across the road Owen could fitfully see the gathered villagers clinging to each other in terror .
23 And Goldberg , pulling the pad towards him and seizing his felt-tip pen , began to write .
24 Now , hold it out towards him and tickle his chest . ’
25 Farrell took a step towards him and swung the butt of the .45 hard , catching him across the forehead .
26 Suddenly he drew her towards him and kissed her .
27 He caught her towards him and kissed her until she was breathless , and even in her daze she heard Candace 's high heels clicking angrily across the back of the hall .
28 ‘ Then goodbye , friend , ’ Vitor said , and , cupping two large hands around her shoulders , he drew her towards him and kissed her .
29 Before she could break away one arm had snaked round her shoulders , pulling her towards him and crushing her face against his chest , then his dark head was obliterating the light , his hot lips seeking hers and to her shame finding them without any difficulty .
30 The two smaller animals padded towards him and lay down beside the fire with contented sighs , hardly giving him a glance .
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