Example sentences of "to see [Wh adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Historically , it was easy to see how it had arisen .
2 The next logical step is to look at the idea of Highlander , to see how it operates , and how it differs completely from a conventional school for community organisers .
3 there 's no question about it and I thought well let's try the other way , let's , let's throw all this C C Q and , and all the rest of it to see how it falls .
4 To understand the role of the management board it is necessary to see how it relates to the school 's wider consultative structure .
5 I was just having a little experiment to see how it takes and how strong it is and I know what I 'm doing .
6 I 'll just have to see how it responds to treatment . ’
7 That is no doubt wrong and covers our blindness to our own Scottish variety of unpleasantness , but easy to see how it happens .
8 ‘ I 've done a bit of just about everything there is , ’ Josie said , lifting sections of Lucy 's hair and watching to see how it fell .
9 Let them commission a research team to examine the phrase in all the languages of the world , to see how it varies , to discover what its sounds denote to those who hear them , to find out if the measure of happiness changes according to the richness of the phrasing .
10 I then took all the cabinets and gave them deep-dish handles , plus I used the old logo from the early '50s and expanded it length-wise on a computer , to see how it looked .
11 So I said , ‘ Maria , I am experimenting and when I say ‘ experiment ’ I mean I want to see how it presents itself .
12 Er , would you be perhaps , er , willing to see how it went , and then maybe go through it next summer or next winter , or would you never , ever go through it ever ?
13 And some people were not disinterested but wanted to see how it went with Mary before going over to one side or another .
14 Well she did n't object , she just wanted to see how it went so it was n't a
15 I 'll have to see how it goes and after about three years , I 'll see if I feel like doing any more .
16 I 'd just like to see how it goes . ’
17 We 'll just have to see how it goes on Sunday . ’
18 but not quite , we shall just have to see how it goes
19 I just have to see how it turns out .
20 I suspect that Microsoft has been reluctant to grasp the virus nettle and it will be interesting to see how it copes with the continuous upgrading that such a product requires .
21 I want you to see how it formed my character !
22 Sir Derek said last night that he had ‘ glanced ’ at the Hill Samuel plan and was interested to see how it works out .
23 It is well worth spending a few minutes setting up the rails and lace carriage to see how it works even if you do n't want to knit with them at present .
24 I guess we 'll just have to wait to see how it works out in the US .
25 You wi they will have had support and yo you might say we 're gon na miss little things out that we 've already covered on or are not relevant anyway erm I think we 've just got ta wa , just got to see how it works and
26 It 's easier for you to experiment to see how it works than for me to go in for a detailed but boring explanation .
27 We are having the ferry company over to see how it works , but no decision has been made .
28 * Consider modifying a text as an experiment , to see how it works ( see p. 56 ) .
29 erm but these things could be done without going to committees , without any problem whatsoever if we just have this experiment to see how it works .
30 He would have to check to see how it happened .
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