Example sentences of "to see [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
2 Of course , like Marshall , Boogie 's reputation is built on tone , so it 's good to see that at the centre of all this gain and distortion is a fundamentally great sound .
3 This was the proper enterprise of the loving wife , to defend her man ; the men performed their acts of authority and occupied the seats of visible influence , but you did n't have to be especially keen-eyed to see that behind the card-players and the drinkers , the officials in their pompous uniforms , the clerks with their mounds of bureaucratic forms , the farmers and the peasants , women were standing .
4 I was pleased to see that in the 1992 World Cup team there were four Afrikaners in murg en beens ( in marrow and bone ) who had Afrikaans as their first language of fluency — Wessels , Cronje , Bosch and Sonald .
5 I am encouraged to see that in the more recent case of Ensign Tankers v. Stokes the House of Lords has now rejected the notion that the mere fact that a transaction is undertaken for the purpose of obtaining a fiscal advantage compels the court to ignore and nullify all the fiscal consequences which are beneficial to the taxpayer .
6 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
7 IT is heartening to see that in the wake of Glasgow 1990 and despite increasing difficulties in funding , large scale multi-media events can still take place .
8 And , lassitude apart , he had more than enough sense to see that after the triumph of the Abdication , with the memory of the vicissitudes of the previous year so fresh in his mind , a calm movement away from the gaming tables and towards the chip-cashing caisse was obviously prudent .
9 Many , unable or unwilling to see that by the 1890s the emergence of the proletariat had redefined the terms of the class struggle , failed to cut themselves adrift from their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois roots .
10 He pulled on the goggles but still there was nothing to see except for the red embers of a dying fire emanating from some unknown source .
11 It will be interesting to see if in the long term the claims that this product prevents damage to valve seats etc. from using leadfree fuel are true .
12 And what 's more , we want to see that ice rink filled because it 's the greatest family sporting entertainment you could ever wish to see and with the crowd behind you it gives you that extra buzz .
13 That 's what it is Martin , confirmation really of what er Mick said to you in that interview , Steve , Tommy two , three but playing at central defence , Dean 'll be the skipper playing in midfield , Michael at the heart of the defence , Phil in midfield , Paul wears seven but will play up front , er Mark at eight in midfield , wears nine , well that 's a bit of nonsense is n't i in terms of numbering , cos he 's gon na play at left back not at centre forward , Gary is ten , Tony eleven , then on the bench , really good to see David and Rod , Bob 's there as well along with er Paul and that 's er possibly a a first chance for the youngster there , and Michael who has been bloodied already but er a little bit of experience in and er the youngsters , and as I say again it 's really good to see and in the number and er I 'm still practising and I shall give you the Pisa team when you return to the er rather sodden Lane with the spectators all huddled towards the back of the stands to get er extra protection from the er rain that 's being swept a on to the stands and er has obliterated the markings on the pitch .
14 The camera uncovered marks I had failed to see while on the ground .
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