Example sentences of "to see [conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 For those unions organised on a comprehensive , industrial basis it is easy to see that they would be likely to seek bargaining arrangements founded upon the extent of the product market .
2 A series of components can be checked in a simple manner to see that they can be assembled together , making use of the enclosing box for each part .
3 Yet the first indications that London was soon to show explosive growth were already present , and it did not need much foresight to see that it would not be long before any green-field site chosen near London for the location of the College would soon be engulfed in bricks and mortar , which would sweep away hay- and grazing-fields , market gardens and brickfields alike .
4 thank you um , it will be quick ah one of the things which caused distress last year was the reduction in the for sixth formers and I was sorry to see that it would n't be restored this time .
5 Elrond 's adamant refusal to take the Ring is because he has considered its advantages but is wise enough to see that it would ruin him utterly .
6 One merely has to read its wording to see that it can not be given any sensible meaning in a context such as the present , where the mind and will of the defendants are also treated in law as the mind and will of ‘ the other . ’
7 In all the cases examined with full verbs , the bare infinitive has evoked what could be termed a coincident actualization , and its event is not represented as beginning to exist in time before that of the main verb , as depicted by this diagram of I watched him cross the street : This does not exhaust the expressive capacity of the bare infinitive , however , as we are going to see that it can also express what we will call coincident potentiality .
8 Yet it did not require much imagination to see that it could only be one thing : the so-called " rice-water " fluid from a cholera patient , which Dr McNab claimed was so deadly .
9 She had been determined to see that it should .
10 For an unbalanced moment she thought it might be Gordon Hodge , pursuing her to see that she would not come back , and make a nuisance of herself to Edward .
11 ‘ So the thing that I would say , if I had to give myself a brownie point , would be that I enabled her to see that she could work actively with the situation .
12 Not that he had minded in the least , for if he had a daughter as rich as Gemma and a fellow like Tristan Gage were to come along he 'd take all the necessary steps himself to see that she could never be cheated .
13 Taking equation ( 4.29 ) to represent the economist 's model , it is easy to see that he would recommend to a government that if it wished to achieve a higher level of real output it should raise the rate of growth of the quantity of money .
14 In this way we may be able to see that he would both agree and disagree with the Archbishop 's statement .
15 Although ‘ t is easy to see that he could not leave you behind , nor take his eyes off you for a moment .
16 He always felt that if he allowed his father to see that he could wheedle Georg , it would be the thin end of the wedge .
17 ‘ There was I , feeling flattered at the attention you were paying me , when all the time you were just testing me out to see that I would n't dry up on the air !
18 I began to see that I could ask for the things I needed .
19 I hate to see that I must say .
20 Nenna thought : I 'm pleased for him to see that I can make a proper job of something .
21 I began to see that you might have a grain of truth lurking there somewhere , and the more I thought about it the more it made sense .
22 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
23 I had taken a couple of slices of bread up the tree with me , with the intention of feeding small pieces of pinched flake into their midst to see if they would accept them .
24 Working under the name of Professor Dent ( a minor henchman in Dr No ) we contacted newspapers and magazines to see if they would take the following advertisements :
25 The Anfield squad gave blood after a training session this week to see if they would be a suitable match for 10-year-old leukaemia sufferer Paul Mainwaring .
26 Sales estimated at many thousands of pounds are believed to have been lost and insurance companies were being consulted to see if they would pay out for loss of business .
27 In case anyone thinks this was unnecessarily drastic , I did in fact leave them for a couple of hours to see if they would come out of their own accord — but they did n't , and I was concerned that they might starve if left to their own devices .
28 She waited to see if they would resume , if Maurin would mention anything of their own talk in the kitchen .
29 He watched to see if they would look over at him and Slater , but they did n't .
30 In late 1687 he began polling the deputy lieutenants and JPs to see if they would assist him in obtaining the election of a Parliament committed to the repeal of the penal laws and the Tests .
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