Example sentences of "others [Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Two off-duty prison officers who were also in the minibus were beaten up and then released , but three others who escaped claimed that they had been unable to get help from a nearby police and Army checkpoint .
2 The articles opened with the comprehensively damning statement that the king ‘ is not sufficient to govern ’ because throughout his reign he had been led and governed by others who had given him evil counsel , to the dishonour of himself and the destruction of Holy Church and his people , and he had refused to provide any remedy , or to allow one to be made , when he was asked to do so by the great and wise men of his realm .
3 He wondered then , if the others who had remained on Earth experienced the void this way .
4 The outbreak of the Great War meant that young men from Edenderry as well as from other parts of the Circuit went to serve their country ; some went directly from Portadown and others who had emigrated in earlier years joined the armies of the Dominions , especially Canada .
5 Yeremi , Tundrish , and Akbar shot down others who had survived the crystal slivers and the death cloud but who had slowed in apparent shock .
6 Lady Elliot thanked Marjorie MacFarlane , and many members of staff , including Gillian Lomas ; Norma Gregory ; Colin Will ; Dennis Simmons ; Ian Lawrie ; Keith Pirrie ; Marisa and John Main ; Jackie Roberts ; Sheila Geddes , Sid Clarke and all the others who had contributed their efforts in the run-up to the launch .
7 I did not ask if they had visited Montaine 's grave , or if others who had loved Montaine had joined them .
8 For Ryecroft , like so many others who had worried about culture and the masses , had learnt ‘ the true instinct of townsfolk ’ which was to find pleasure in the ‘ triumph of artificial circumstance over natural conditions ’ .
9 Jack and two others who had witnessed the performance , found me and piloted me back to the warmth and safety of the ski-cabin .
10 Others who had received the award included Sidney Poitier , Stanley Kramer , Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward .
11 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
12 For journalists like him , and others who had made their names digging out scandals such as Poulson , Jeremy Thorpe , Thalidomide , and police corruption , or by trying to engage the sympathy of the nation and the government for the oppressed in society , life was becoming more and more difficult .
13 In the eighteenth century at least one French nobleman refused the offer of the St Petersburg embassy because of the warning example of others who had ruined themselves by accepting it .
14 But there were others who had traded with the Carolingian West ( coins of Louis the Pious and other Frankish objects have been found at Birka ) , who had come to know Christianity from their trading connections , and who formed the bedrock of Anskar 's support .
15 Passers-by , and others who had taken no part in the demonstration , were also soaked .
16 I remembered others who had died of it : a sister-in-law , a colleague at work in the days when I commuted to London , and two neighbours .
17 In the latter part of 1943 I was appointed Archdeacon of Rangoon , in which capacity I was enabled to visit groups of Anglo-Burman Anglicans and others who had settled in various Indian centres .
18 John Browne had been sacked in Winchester while others who had incurred the disapproval of their local parties had gone quietly .
19 Others who had coped well enough to begin with on those scanty mill wages , who had even picked themselves up and patched things together , the first time that demon of bad trade had halved their weekly pay ; the first time there had been sickness and doctors ' bills to eat up anything they had been able to put by during the good times — never much ; the first time a husband had suffered injury at the mill or the foundry , which meant no weekly pay-packet at all .
20 Larkin died in Dublin 30 January 1947 and was buried , appropriately , in Glasnevin , along with many others who had espoused the nationalist and social causes of his epoch .
21 He had been at the head of the factional politics of Edward II 's middle years , and his rapid rise and precipitate fall typified the fate of others who had had the misfortune to enjoy Edward 's patronage .
22 Was it true that she had been one among others who had put up bail for Wullie Robertson ?
23 Between 8 and 12 May in different parts of Carinthia , the units under 5 Corps took the surrender of six bodies of Cossacks and others who had originated from territories controlled by the Soviet Union .
24 It was indefensible to keep the latter in jail while thousands of others who had succeeded in escaping had been allowed out to the West , he said .
25 To Pavel , and probably to many of the others who 'd fallen under her influence , she was the most uncommon criminal ever .
26 The men will be sentenced next month along with two others who 'd admitted the charges .
27 People whose lives have been devastated by crime are backing a fund-raising appeal to help others who 've suffered as they have .
28 Others who 've met the Krays and written about them , like TV presenter Fred Dineage , say it 's harmless enough .
29 No , I , I , I 've only got this company to compare with you see , so there are others who 've worked for other companies in , in the industry .
30 Despite the opposition of the dominant culture , the music of those within the culture but not of it , the blacks , found resonance with the experiences of others who felt alienated from the established order .
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